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3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi everyone hopefully someone can advise, my broadband was installed yesterday and was working just fine until my silly cat decided to chew through one of the wires on the internal fibre connection box (not the router) I will include a picture for reference, but I wondered if anyone could tell me where I could get a replacement cable to fit this as Vodafone advised I should be able to find one online but no idea what to search etc and don’t want to waste my money. Any help greatly appreciated . (Circled the wire that has been affected 😂



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

If the cable doesn't have a green plug (that's the fibre) then you just need a replacement cat5 (or better) lan cable.

If it is the one with the green plug then either openreach or Cityfibre would have to visit to repair - likely at your cost as it's classified as 'infrastructure'. 

Bloomin' cats. 

It’s just the black wire affected, other wires are all fine! So will those that you’ve suggested do the trick do you reckon? I know right, left her alone 5 min and poof wifi gone lol. Silly girl she is. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Black wire? one that goes from the router though a splitter to the phone socket? That's a standard modem lead.

If it's a thick black on that goes to a box on the wall then it's a cat5.

Cats can be funny but when it comes to cables they're a holy nuisance. See if you can bag yourself some spiral cable wrap. It won't stop a determined cat but it will slow them down some.

I’ll attach another picture of it here not sure how great that picture was to get my point across my apologies 😂 but it plugs in to the internal fibre box. She literally chewed right through ##~## 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll look in to that! Thanks so much 




16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

As the owner, or should that be "servant", of a cat who also has a taste for wires I have a harmless spray that works. It's made from apple skin and you spray the cables. It's intended for both cats and dogs. It comes in a green and white bottle. I'd put the URL but it would get deleted as "off topic".

Lmao I’ll look in to that too. Cats are mischievous wee things, I love mine to bits but could be doing without the stress tonight trying to figure out how to fix my wifi! Thanks for the suggestion I’ll go browse just now 😂

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


Your pictures haven't been moderated yet, we will know more once we see them.

@Cynric wrote:

As the owner, or should that be "servant", of a cat who also has a taste for wires I have a harmless spray that works. It's made from apple skin and you spray the cables. It's intended for both cats and dogs. It comes in a green and white bottle. I'd put the URL but it would get deleted as "off topic".

I doubt that would happen, and anyway it would be on-topic, as trying to stop it happening again must be considered on-topic.

Okay, when will the pictures go live? Do they have to be approved first? 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Probably tomorrow morning, when the Mods come in.