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1: Seeker

Hi there,


We have been trying to cancel our contract for nearly 3 weeks with no success as your rude company keeps ignoring us and hanging up during the calls or chats.  You have failed to provide internet to our address for 3 months now, but have still happily taken our money every month.


Your end of the contract is to supply an internet connection for the price we pay.  You have not delivered this for over 3 months and are ignoring our requests to cancel our contract, which we have every right to do since you are not providing the service the contract states.  Even more so, ignoring us, not cancelling the contract and continuing to take our money during all of that, is the literal definition of fraud.  You have promised something for a price which you have not delivered, and continue to take the money for, this by definition is fraud.  Please refund the money that has been stolen and cancel the contract immediately.





Hi @logabc123 I can certainly appreciate that this is frustrating for you. Whilst you are in contract you will continue to be charged your monthly line rental cost even when there are issues with your connection. Once an issue is fully resolved, you are then refunded all of the line rental you have paid for but not been able to use due to the problem with your lines. 

If you want to cancel you will need to speak to the Cancellations team on 191 free from a Vodafone Pay monthly mobile, or 03333 040 191 from any other UK phone (standard charges apply) as per your Terms and Conditions. Unless it has been decided that we are unable to fix the problem with your service, you may be charged an early termination fee if you leave part way through your contract. 

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Have Vodafone ever mentioned the reason for your long loss of service @logabc123 ?  


It might be worth you following this link : Complaints 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member