19-02-2022 10:47 PM
Hardware: Huawei 963168_HUAWEIVOX25
Hi. In event log after resetting the router date and time are always 25.08.2021 12:00:00 or 21.08.2021 12:00:00. This values back to normal only when router will connect properly with Vodafone. Offline internal clock are resetting to the above values. It's normal or router should be have a some kind of RTC clock? Thank you
19-02-2022 11:01 PM
It's perfectly normal for network devices including routers to not have an RTC. During the connection initialization, the router will grab the correct time. Network protocols rely on devices having their clocks closely synchronized, so an incorrectly set "persistent" RTC could be problematic, such that syncing with NTP servers provides a far better solution.