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IPv6 rollout

1: Seeker

I have seen reports on the internet that Vodafone is rolling out IPv6 in 2020 (but probably delayed by Covid-19). My router has received the latest firmware update and now shows IPv6 settings. Does anyone know what the roadmap for IPv6 looks like? No official statement on Vodafone website. I'm very glad the internet isn't deteriorating into a spiderweb mess of CG-NAT (how many layers could it f****** go!?!). I'm in London. Thanks



Hi @ipv6-seeker, we don't have a date for the roll out of IPv6. We know a lot of our customers are excited about this, so keep an eye out on our website and the community for any updates 🙂

Is Vodafone letting us down? No IPv6 on my router so far. Will it need a firmware update (which has never happened before) or is it going to just appear in the internet universe? I wonder....

Maybe somebody could give a hint of future events at vodafone broadband..

Hope they do this soon I have only worked out that ipv6 is key for most of my apps and that since moving to Vodafone a few years back that's why my apps are slow or just fail my 4g signal was masking the problem as my phone will best effort both WiFi and 4g 🤦 only when I was trying to bottom out some other problems have I now found out this was a problem I have enabled a ipv6 tunnel and all my apps are working a little sluggish due to the ip6 - ip4 - ip6 tunnel but are now working 🤦

I really hope they roll it out asap

Without IPv6, Vodafone cannot claim to provide full access to the internet.

I guess they must have some really old hardware lurking at the core of their systems 😞

It’s been over a year since the last post on this topic from Vodafone. Are there any further updates?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Unfortunately we don't have a timeframe yet @luc122c. The best place to look out for updates would be on our website as my colleague Mark advised. I'm really sorry we're not able to provide more information at the moment. 

Still no sign of ipv6. I now wish I had never left BT with all its problems and extra cost, at least I had a steady connection not varying by 8-10 mbs, (a lot when you can only get 25mbs at best.) and they implemented ipv6 a long time ago. A change of provider at the end of contract I think.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Vodafone UK has acquired the blocks of IPv6 addresses that they'll need, and they have recently changed how the gateways are configured.  So they do seem to be working towards IPv6, but how far away the rollout is - who knows.

That said, the implementation should not change the connection speeds that we see.


It will come, it has to, there are too few IPv4 addresses left for it not to!

I put in massive complaint mate I got new xbox  and can't get a wired connection as it needs ipv.6 to run a wired connection they made me travel 30 mile on a train telling me the xbox was faulty. Told on 3 different occasions that it was up and running. In the end I made them cancelled me contract with them so I can find a new provider and didn't have to pay exit fee if I found one running ipv.6 and also got compensation and not what they tried to offer in first place of 15 pound that didn't even cover the train fare to take me xbox back. But push to get ya contract cancelled its a absolute disgrace