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Incorrectly Blocked Website

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


I have found out the my website is, for some reason, blocked by vodafone and unavailable to it's users. 

The website is

It is a polish website focused on subcjets of working out, dieting and healthy lifestyle. No malware, no adult content.


Can anyone provide me with info, how to get the website unblocked and why was it blocked in the first place?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

.@AdamJankowski I can reach your URL but then I am not using VF. However, this test says that the ISP is not blocking.

I wonder if you can try changing the DNS setting on your router away from the VF ones, use perhaps (Cloudlfare) or (Google) and see what is the outcome.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

It's also not blocked for me when using Vodafone's DNS and content controls set to Ultra Safe.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The main site is not blocked here using VF's DNS set to filter malicious content and additional ad-blocking software running on the router.  


The site though is VERY slow though!

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hey there @AdamJankowski - Just to confirm, is this over our Broadband or Mobile Network?

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Unfortunately, the problem still persists. 

Could someone from Vodafone confirm our status? I would especially call to verify the DNS and it's recognition of domain name The domain is not properly recognized by vodafone DNS or SSL certificate is not properly validated because of OCSP. 

Our website is accessible everywhere, except to a large part of UK.


Hey @AdamJankowski I hope you're well 😊 So we can get this raised we do need to know if the issue is present on our broadband, mobile network or both.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Okay, so did as deep a dive on this as I'm prepared to!  The Website has a POP (Point of Presence) in France through a company called OVH SAS.  But it appears that location is probably false with the site being hosted elsewhere and routed through a VPN.


Beyond the above, all I have are suspicions, and I'm not prepared to go poking any further.  I might just suggest that if the site owner were to research their hosting company and where those servers are supposed to be, then a reason for the issues may become clearer!

Thank you for the responses. 

It is usually the LTE users that are experiencing issues with connection. Although if you could also somehow check the broadband connection that would be optimal, because if the same DNS is used then the issue should be seen in both places. 

Thanks for this information @AdamJankowski. I've raised this to our network team (Ref: INC000004620740), they'll look into this and if there is no reason for the site to be blocked will lift this for you. We'll let you know here as soon as we've got an update.