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Mobile Broadband to full fibre swapover

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Good afternoon, this will be both a rant and a request to figure out what on earth is going on over at vodafone.
For about a year now i have had back and forth fights with vodafone support trying to figure out what is going on with my existing mobile broadband, its contantly giving me under 1MB/s down speed with even less upload, unstable connections follow suite not to mention i cant even change the NAT type as its sim based. All these issues iv had nonstop for the price of £40! its too much to be paying so i have, on multiple occasions, requested to decrease the price or flat out cancel to no avail, vodafone still wants me to continue forking out tthat amount for nothing or to pay over £400 in cancellation fees which i cant afford, nor can i afford to keep paying the £40 in exchange for nothing. Even after i lost all network functionality for 2 months, all they did was charge back £13 on the next bill. i even started saving chat transcripts after someone in support told me i had to previous problems on the system, i have all of them since slowly building up a collection of inexcusable service.

I Have been extremely patient, even more so that fibre has finally been introduced to my area.
Upon learning this i contacted support once more and asked whether i could swap over my existing plan to that of the fibre 500 package, both being cheaper and guarantees a a certain speed WITH appropriate network configuration options!

It all went well on the first contact, they assured me i could changeover without worries, only being notified of the termination of my exisisting one until the swapover is complete, and went through the stages of questions etc etc. before finalising i said i would get back to them the next day when i find out the cancellations fee on my exisitng home broadband serves (in case it was needed and whether or not my family would be okay with it). As i was out of country at the time i forgot to save this transcript as i was on my tablet at the time.

So i did. i got back to support after i got home and checked it all out, went through the stages once again but this time i get another fat £400 cancellation fee thrown into my face, when i asked them to check the previous chat i had with them, they ignored it completely, as if i didnt just ask them to, so after some more back and forth i stopped talking and came straight to the community.

All i have been wanting since these issues started, 6 months after i got the dam thing might i remind you, is to stop it, or change it. What in gods name is going on vodafone? you say you pride youself on customer support but leave people in this state? having them continue to pay 40 a month for speeds akin to dial up with no care whether or not its clearly affecting the customer? At this point im wondering if i should get a solicitor to see what i can do because im even resorting to using my mobile data from O2 just to work anymore.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

A sad tale, but I'm not sure we can help much.

Did you at any time raise an official complaint, as that would seem to be the best route to take.

Complaints Code of Practice | Vodafone UK


i can try. going to do a final dig to see what can be done, as its getting pretty stupid at this point cheers

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I'm not sure if the complaints procedure is the same for mobile broadband as it is for fixed, but if an official complaint isn't resolved within 8 weeks you should be allowed to leave penalty free, or take your case to Ofcom/CISAS.