22-04-2020 03:24 PM
I'm new to Vodafone BB and loving the app. Very easy to use.
One problem though. As anyone who has access to the router can download and register with the app it makes the device control pretty useless.
In fact my two eldest have played a lovely game of blocking each other, and anyone else.
Is it possible to restrict access to the app in some way? And if not can I feature request this please? Urgently!
23-04-2020 10:42 AM
Unless the app has changed, can't you just change the router password!
23-04-2020 11:55 AM
That would be one way to implement that change. But the app actually uses the wps button (on the router I have) to pair. No passwords needed just physical access to the router.
27-04-2020 10:02 AM
Very good point @mrdtb, I will ensure this has been fed back.
04-06-2020 01:57 AM
Is this resolved?
04-06-2020 01:55 AM
am afraid I have the same problem, my son has downloaded the app and unblocked his Xbox! Did you ever resolve the issue and if so would you mind sharing how?Tia
05-06-2020 04:51 PM
Hi all,
At the moment the Broadband app doesn't require specific account verification as it is connected solely to your router, this means there isn't a way to restrict access to the app. I can definitely feed it back for you so we can get it in the works though 😀
05-06-2020 05:07 PM
Yes please it doesn't make sense for a parent to try and restrict access only for a teenager to be able to override this. If you had an admin setting with password that would be a huge improvement!
Thank you
15-05-2021 04:31 PM
Has this issue been addressed?
As mentioned above having app control and restrictions is sadly completely useless when the restricted household members can deftly access the app themselves and undo any settings.
04-03-2021 08:22 AM
We have the same issues. My teenager can just download the app and unblock his phone! So just now its a bit pointless restriction!