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new customer, can't change router settings, buttons don't work?

1: Seeker

Hi All,

new customer, activated today, gone into router to change the SSID and passwords etc, having a general explore, play with settings (nothing too technical) but have found that a lot of buttons simply do not work! lets say i wanted to turn off WPS,.. you can click it, but it doesn't change, or the "Split 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands" button does nothing.. or i might get to change a setting, and try and click "apply" but nothing happens.. then i get stuck in a loop, 'cos then "cancel" doesn't work either, and you can't navigate away from the page you're now stuck on, end up having to refresh the browser... nothing seems to work correctly, what am i doing wrong? firmware v22.1.0404-6421030 (firmware update button doesn't seem to work either.. :Sad_face:



Hi there. Thank you for bringing the router sittings issue to our attention. Please get in touch with our Home Broadband team, they'll be able to walk you through the steps on how to make changes on your router and set it up the way you want. You can get in touch with team on 191 for free from a Vodafone mobile, 03333 040 191 from any other network/landline. Also, webchat here 👉

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@gjh1976 Try a factory reset and it might induce a firmware update. Also were you in "expert" mode of the browser interface. This has been discussed a lot lately and a search of the forum may either give you a useful tip or make you pull your hair out. Either way there is also a very long discussion about alternative routers.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I’ve had a similar problem. Had new internet installed last Thursday and went into web ui for the power hub wi-if 6 yesterday and today. The slider buttons (grey/green to go off/on) are not functioning across the whole web ui. Also the apply button often doesn’t work. I rang the helpline and they reset the router, but the problem remained. Have tried different browsers (safari, opera, edge, chrome) and same problem. Also two different devices (iPad and smart tv). The assistant on the helpline said that he thinks because it’s a very new system and power hub just been released, they may not have configured everything to work yet.  He said to wait a few days and then try again. So I’ll try again on Friday and then contact them again if there’s still an issue. Want to turn wps off for security reasons. I’ll let you know if a solution is found, let me know also if you can. Good luck! Not happy if they’ve released a system to the public that hasn’t been fully configured yet!

Hello to everyone with the slider button issue in the web UI. I found this thread because I had the same problem with our new Power Hub and eventually found the answer - you're obliged to change the UI password before the router lets you make any other changes. I guess this is a simple extra security feature but it would have been helpful if the idea was clearer. I sympathise with anyone who has spent time talking to a helpline if they didn't get told this basic fact.

Now to see if an old printer will talk after enabling Wifi compatibility mode...

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Would it be possible to get some feedback from admin to let us know what’s being done to resolve this problem? I’m not impressed and considering switching provider if this problem can’t be resolved. Do I request a replacement router? Or is it more a system wide problem that needs reporting as an error to whoever creates power hub firmware updates? What is being done to investigate? Thanks in advance.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ipc Having experience of another ISP who also locked-down their router my conclusion is that there is a growing trend towards making ISP routers fully automated. The ISP would benefit in two ways; firstly the cost of the router is minimised and secondly the number of staff on the help desk can be reduced. The end result is we all go shopping to get the router we want and use the ISP one as a doorstop.

Thank you for the reply. I hope that’s not the case, because according to this link, we cannot use a third party router if we have digital voice on our plan:

Thanks again, Cynric. I’m going to post a thread on the forum checking whether wps only activates when the button is pressed on the physical Power Hub box (Wi-Fi 6 hub). As you probably know, that would be the button version of wps as opposed to the pin version. If that’s the case, it’s less of a security worry because someone would have to be physically in our house and handling the box to exploit the vulnerability wps can represent. If you know that info, would be greatly appreciated, if not I’ll check with the forum main. Thanks again.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ipc You can use VoIP if you use certain Grandstream devices.

I don't know about the WiFi 6 hub, sorry. I'm on FTTC still.