07-07-2023 04:48 PM
Hi there, hoping for a little bit of help.
I've just made the switch yesterday from O2 to Vodafone and taken out a new contract, I also provided a PAC code to keep my old number.
After giving me the PAC code and talking to O2 it seems I've been instantly disconnected. Will this affect the porting process if my number has been disconnected? Or should it still work since the PAC code was provided? I did receive an email to say the switch would be completed today at some point.
Failing this, would I be able to go back into Vodafone to get a new SIM/phone number so I can start using my new contract?
Appreciate any help!
07-07-2023 05:27 PM
Vodafone give this information from the website @abbyxcoulson
What happens on the day my number moves to Vodafone?
If you have received an email confirmation that the port will be completed today, this should already be done and you would have received a text message to let you know the number is fully ported. Try turning the phone off and back on it may do the trick.
There shouldn't be anything to be concerned about but if there are any porting issues, come back to the thread and this will be picked up by the Social Team.