I was gutted, despite of Good Credit score, Vodafone rejected, not sure how many customers suffering
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23-08-2016 10:39 PM
3 days I ordered for my new Samsung Note 7, Carphonewarehouse asked me to call Vodafone, they didn't tell what exactly, but they gave some special no, not regular customer service, they didn't give any reference, I called to Vodafone, one person casually asked 4 question
1)during 2001 which Bank acct you opened? I said bank name -that's correct
2)During 2009 you applied for some credit card, he asked me to name it
I mentioned clearly, howcan customers can remember almost 7 years back credit card application?
he said, ok, I'll list 4 names, and choose correct one,
He gave me 4, for me I've 2-3 credit cards out of 4 he mentioned, and Egg credit card merged with Barclays, So I just picked Barclays,
and he asked howmuch credit limit on those 2 cards, I just mentioned roughly, those are vague questions, I gave vaguely but correct approx. 5k, 3.5k,
and that's it, I asked whether i answered correctly, he didn't say one word, call ended, after 30mins, when I called to Carphone warehouse, they said, they'll let you know by mail, I've received Decline message and also immediately CPW cancelled my Order.
Despite of 999 credit score, Vodafone simply rejected based on their evaluation and definitely its not experian credit score. It's surprises me,
On what basis they will reject, I called 3 times, all 3 times, I've got 3 different answers, one person suggested me that my wife has to call, I was surprise how they know that My wife filling new phone application ( I was sitting beside while filling), there is no proper answer.
Finally one of Voafone person mentioned, I can't reapply for phone, i've to wait for 3 more months, thats ridiculous, not sure howmany genuine customers Vodafone is loosing, It's Vodafone has to clearly mentioned what's their policy. I was more worried about credit decline remark rather than phone. Now I'm buying phone directly from Samsung instead of depending on these Mobile networks and their own cooked credit policy rejections.
How can any one can remember 20 or 30 years of credit history events.
Vodafone person never warned me before starting his questions that if I fail to answer, they're going to decline and I can't reapply for 3 more months?
My questions are
1)how can I appeal this ridiculous Decline?
2)How long I've to wait for updating this decline into credit file, and then 3)whom I've to call? I think Vodafone should open some Help guide about to clarify all these things.
4)How to avoid this types of Declines? Vodafone should pulicize their decline policy, so that customers can be maintain safe distance before ordering through vodafone.
5)HOw to find the reason of Decline? if experian failed to mention in Credit file? how to appeal ? whom to appeal ? vodafone or experian
6)Why Vodafone mercilessly Declining, instead of they should create some tool before applying, customers can check their eligibility, instead of corrupting their vaulable credit histories, these all should be answered correctly by Vodafone, otherwise its going to be bad remark from Vodafone end.
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23-08-2016 11:01 PM
Hi there
When you apply for any form of credit, your actual credit rating is only one part of the decision to lend and it basically gives the creditor an idea of how you have paid in the past. Your credit score is NOT a guarantee that you will be accepted, it is just an indication of how likely you are to be accepted.
All lenders have their own criteria that you have to meet in addition to the credit score. If you do not meet the criteria, they will decline your application for credit. No lender is obliged to provide you with a full list of the checks and criteria - this does vary from lender to lender.
If this does happen, the best advice to follow is what you've already been given. Do not apply immediately for another contract. Multiple searches for credit in a short space of time can make lenders even more nervous.
Vodafone's criteria is that you wait at least 90 days before applying again, although I would personally wait a little longer than that if I were in your shoes.
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24-08-2016 05:59 AM - edited 25-08-2016 06:34 AM
Hello @ganymide
I understand it can be disappointing when an application of any sort is declined. A good credit score does not always guarantee acceptance.
Edit ~ It will have been Vodafone U.K that carried out the Credit Check on you.
Please do leave approximately 3 months as advised by Vodafone before you apply again because if there are too many credit searches it can look that a person is over stretching themselves.
It wouldn't show as a decline in your credit file for the application of a contract , just that you've applied.
Perhaps think about using a Payg SIM card. When it's time to reapply you can then arrange to keep your mobile number. Perhaps think about re applying in a Vodafone Highstreet Store next time and not use Carphone Warehouse is my advice.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
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17-09-2016 07:35 AM
Try EE orange or 3 i have contracts with all of them 1 is up and another contract is next month decided to try vodaphone had contract phones years now to apply 2 days ago to vodaphone and be turned down was worried about my credit file to phone EE who gave me same phone usage 15 pounds cheaper and asked if id like another line thing is EE probs got the hardest credit check to pass along with o2 shame losing customers me i wont be applying with them again and in my household we have 5 contracts EE,3,o2 none late payments so try not to worry apply with different company .

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19-09-2016 10:28 AM
Hello @shezb
Credit checks depend on many different things, for example, a company can decline a contract if the customer has recently moved house in the last 3 or 6 months. This is due to the recent change of billing address.
Can I help with anything today?
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24-08-2016 06:48 AM - edited 24-08-2016 06:56 AM
Hi @ganymide
The credit check would have been carried out by Carphone Warehouse and not Vodafone. You are Carphone's customer. All Vodafone would have been responsible for would be providing the airtime on behalf of Carphone. There have been instances of the check not even been carried out by Carphone and customers rejected for no reason.
I am amazed you were asked to call Vodafone to find the reason for the failed credit check. It would be interesting to know the special number you were asked to call. Credit card details are confidential to you and of no interest to Vodafone. Vodafone would not even have been able to see any information. I certainly hope you did not give out any information to this special number. You should not be giving out bank account details to anyone over the phone. The only time Vodafone would need account details is when you are setting up a direct debit.
You need to check your credit file, the credit check entry may not even be there.
You will need to take this up with Carphone and ask what they think they are doing asking you to call some special number to give personal confidential information.
This needs to be looked at by the Team to find the reason a Vodafone employee would ask for this confidential information. It may not have even been a Vodafone number you called. Perhaps you can put the special number on the thread.
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09:15 PM
- last edited on
11:29 AM
Thanks for your suggestions,
Your Suggestion: The credit check would have been carried out by Carphone Warehouse and not Vodafone. You are Carphone's customer. All Vodafone would have been responsible for would be providing the airtime on behalf of Carphone. There have been instances of the check not even been carried out by Carphone and customers rejected for no reason.
Answer: No, Credit check done by Vodafone, Carphone askmed to call Vodafone to complete Electronic Identification, I thought it's just a routine call, I didn't expect, it's a Credit check.
Your Suggestion:I am amazed you were asked to call Vodafone to find the reason for the failed credit check. It would be interesting to know the special number you were asked to call.
Answer: Vodafone Electronic ID check (aka Credit check) [Removed]
Your Suggestion:You need to check your credit file, the credit check entry may not even be there.
You will need to take this up with Carphone and ask what they think they are doing asking you to call some special number to give personal confidential information.
Answer: Yes done that, they didn't responded
MOD EDIT: This post has been edited to remove outdated/ personal information please see Community Guidelines]
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24-08-2016 09:24 AM
@ganymide I have a good redit rating, experian report it as 999 same as your howver I would be unable to get any new credit due to the amount i've already got. You mentioned you have had 2 or 3 cards in the past few years; You may have an outstanding ballance on these which would put off a potential lender, You may even still have them and be not using them, even with a zero balance a credit card can affect your chances of getting new credit. I personally make sure to cancel any cards i'm no longer using, that way the total amount of available credit is kept within a reasonable level and lenders wouldn't be as nervous about giving you more.
As @AnnS mentioned though your contact is with Carphone Warehouse so it's really them you'd need to speak to (they have a page about credit checks on their website) in order to get answers but it would be very interesting to know the number you were asked to call? I'm wondering if it was someone within their own team posing as Vodafone.
Carphone Warehouse has a page that answers your final questions @ganymide, you can find it here
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24-08-2016 07:14 PM
As long as if the Credit checks and it's results are not transparent, buying any product online which requires Credit check result becomes "God's Grace" only, Just like Mad man with brick, any thing can happen.
Not sure such a modern Adv. multi featured Mobilephones are in the Market, with very advanced Vodafone Mobile Network ruling whole world, but still Credit checks are like a big big blocker in the way between Customer and Phone,
In my opinion These Credit checks system is still in Stone Age era, All these parties has to sit and re-invent Credit check system to be Customer friendly, rather than rudely asking customers to reapply after 90 days or wait for experian report, nobody knows howlong it takes to update, then again reappeal if there is no logic, not sure what's this mess for £700+ phone, it's just less than 0.5% of some of Mortgage loans.
Problem is Mobile Networks they're adding their own Credit criteria on top of experian, equifax Credit check agencies, that's causing whole issue, if the Mobile co's want to enforce their own criteria, why can't they atleast they provide some kind of simulating credit check Application or Tool to check whether customer meet their criteria, once passed their criteria, then if any one has Good Credit rating, it automatically clear the checks, rather than corrupting customers Credit history, whole Credit checks is becoming a Nuisance and Farce,
Not sure what's the real advantage of maintaining Good Credit rating if we can't buy £700 pound phone? But the same credit checks liberally allowing Customers for taking Credit cards for thousands of pounds, looks like just they want some non transparent system to do their own Sales. First they intentionally fail Customer credit checks to offer alternatives? this can be happen, just like Carphonewarehouse offering ID mobile in place of Vodafone (may be they're offering with good intention, i'm not ruling out, but any thing can happen), Credit checks are become mysterious and nonsense now a days.
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24-08-2016 08:07 PM
I think a lot of what you've sai in your latest spot has been covered by other community members . It may be worth having a read through the responses you've received as they do pretty much cover the majority of the points raised.