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pre order s24 ultra, why bother preordering when you have it on back order

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

if this is in wrong section please move it but this was best place i saw for it

so pre-ordered a s24 ultra 1tb, mainly to get the free watch 6 offer, 2 weeks ago was my preorder date,  the release date is well and truly gone and im still sitting here using my trusty s22+, so far had 3 messages from vodafone  that my order is on back order, first for 3 days then 6 then 10, now i look on the vodafone website and it says 4-6 week wait, look on samsungs website out of curiosity if i was to order from there today and it says delivery is the 1st of march, and asked live chat last night they dont know anything and i was told they dont know why im complaining as id get the phone when i get it and its fine for me to be waiting and on back order and its first come first served,

NO vodafone that is the point of preordering something, so you have it ready for the day of release, so people arent on back order even tho the phone was released a week ago   

so a few questions,

1: when am i likely to see my phone i preordered on 21/1/24 , as thats the point of a pre order so i can get it on the day of release not be on back order for 10 days or more, if it gets to this point next week and i havent seen it or had any meaningful updates i will just cancel the lot the s24 and sim,  broadband mobile broadband and the other halfs phone as had enough of crap with vodafone over the years, this is just the latest bout of incompetence, the only reason i stay is cause i simply dont trust vodafone to port my number to another network as vodafone have screwed up on at least 5 peoples porting that i work with and left them without a working business number for weeks

2 the watch offers closing date is the end of febuary, if i dont get it by then is vodafone going to buy and send me a watch 6, as if i miss the offer due to vodafones incompetence/inability to send me a phone it is your responsibility to sort it out, and dont try to tell me i need to contact samsung like live chat did last night, its vodafones issue not thiers, you are thier customer so you should be contacting them not us as your customer, from someone who works supplying stuff to the public its quite clear you clearly didnt order enough phones to supply people with

3: what is the point of a preorder when you are putting people on a backorder, thats the whole point of a pre order so you have the phones for the day of release, so clearly you didnt order enough or your system for pre order needs serious overhaul

4:  why is the advisors on live chat telling me that id get the phone when i get it and that they dont see why im complaining about it as the offer runs till the end of feb for new applicants for the watch, the whole point of me preordering it was i had it when it was realeased so i would be well within the offer to get the free watch, as you need the phones imei to claim the free watch, 

an 5: do you really think people want to be sitting around waiting with no idea of when they might get something they pre ordered 2 weeks ago, 


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I received an email saying it's now a 20 day backorder. So much for a pre-order!

In stock with Samsung UK too.

Here's hoping it turns up in time to claim the watch.

There's not even been an apology apart from the standard generic email. 

@Winston90 Yep and mine was meant to have arrived last Friday, 16th Feb.  Their websire is saying order today, deliver in 2-3 weeks.  I've been waiting four weeks and on top another 20 days that is if I don't receive another generic email on Friday 🤞🏻

It's the generic emails with no actual clarity that frustrated me. I'm due an update any day now, but I'm not holding my breath.

Im also still waiting.... Vodafones latest idea as i have put in a complaint is to cancel the order and then reorder a diffrent colour or a diffrent size or a diffrent phone...... Hence putting me back at the end of the queue.... And pay more for the privalage as the get the next size up offer has gone as has any offer i want like the watch..... And if the free watch offer ends they was willing to take the 250 quid off my monthly bills over the months of my contract but not actually send the watch..... I am not happy with voda and the way they have dealt with it as what ever answer they seem to want me to do is going to cost me extra money in the long run...... 


I have also been on to samsung directly about it and been told to email the offers team about it  ( go on the offers page and there is a link to contact them) so they have a record of my pre order etc and that i still  havent got a phone etc..... as they may be able to help after the offer end date as its not our fault we havent got a phone..... The offer for the watch last entry should be the 29th of feb so we still got a chance of it but it is running out very quickly and if voda add yet more time to the 20 days backorder email then we got no chance....... Like you's there is no attempt at an explination in any of there emails or any real apologies just a generic email saying its on back order..... Its simply not good enough.... 

Ok @Winston90 @ and@hazeleh i have litterly just got a notification that my phone will be delivered tomorrow..... It was showing still as back order at 6 and its now 10 to 8 and its showing as dispatched so hopefully you might also get your phones..... Its taken long enough tho.... Again no notice they was having it in or anything....and no notification to give delivery number or anything just an email about the device plan..... An no apology that its taken this long either

I got the email about the device plan DD, then 5 minutes later got a delivery time for tomorrow. 

Still taken neigh on a month tho with no real explanation from voda just generic emails and even thier complaints people didnt know what was going on

Same here. I managed to get £100 back and I had to fight for that.  I was also not offered roaming

I got an email saying my min spend had been reduced then thought maybe the phone had been dispatched and it hard.  Yes, they should've been more forthcoming.

Mine's meant to arrive tomorrow at some point

@Winston90I also made a complaint on the CEOs post on LinkedIn and had no response (no surprise there)