21-10-2020 01:48 PM
How do I find out if my Business Vodafone Account can connect to a Cellular Apple Watch?
23-10-2020 01:19 PM
Hi @scotthunter, if you sign into your MyVodafone online account, it should show you if you can add this to your account. You can check all deals and sign in from this link here. Let us know how you get on 🙂
23-10-2020 01:55 PM
I have tried this already but when I log in I get the following - 'Something unexpected has happened'. My third provider has advised that it is not possible on Vodafone Business but I know from your website that this is not the case.
26-10-2020 08:28 PM
@scotthunter When clearing your cache and cookies does this allow you to login to your online account? If this doesn't do the trick, please let me know how you get on after using an alternative device and browser.