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PS4 Nat Type Issues

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, im trying to utilize my unlimited max plan for the use of hotspot on my ps4. (Due to home broadband beein down). Is there any way round the fact that the nat type is strict and set to type 3 i tried many things and yet to find a solution. I tried with my mums phone who is in three and with the same phone hotspot works perfectly fine with open NAT and type 2 on ps4 settings. Is there anything that can be done done as it seems a big issue not to be able to connect on online games with friends


This is Actually Becoming extremely frustrating, I took out out the Note 10+ 5g on the basis that 5g will be much quicker and will allow gaming as some of the marketing suggests. I posted on this forum orignally and it looks like im one of many many more people having this issue. We really need an actual resolution or atleast being honest with what you are actually doing to solve this issue, i have attached images so it can get passed on to the relevant team 



I actually have posted it in the past but had to add a link to my cloud due to this forums excessive security restrictions. Having said that I fail to follow the logic of sending in pictures when previous moderators have stated the only work around is a VPN and claimed to have escalated it. We all know the issue is because of CGNAT and a failure to have IPV4 IPV6 dual stack support. Even CGNAT 44 would resolve this, the question is why does this continue to marketed for gaming when that simply isn’t possible under the current network architecture utilised by Vodafone’s RAN.   

Folks Three provide their sim with public IP which will fix this issue.


Since Vodafone is not willing to put in the effort it is clear by now they will never address this issue. I suggest you start looking at other service providers.

@Vodafone you should remove gaming capabilities from your marketing material and inform your sales team to stop lying, I took this contract based on that good stuff it was sim only. I'm out and will sign up with Three.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for providing the requested information @Rejwan98, we'll pass this onto the team dealing with this issue and let you know as soon as we have a resolution to this 😊

Just out of curiosity, has there been any update on this topic?

I'm happy to share mine.

Doesn’t seem to have been resolved.


I took out a 5G gigacube plan and had to cancel within the 14 day cool off period due to strict NAT type issues.


There are technical ways around it but we should have to do that.