24-03-2009 10:16 AM
01-04-2009 10:43 AM
Hi daniel fernandes
I'm sorry you're still experiencing difficulties.
Are you able to make the connection consistently with the other version of the software?
If you connect on GPRS only will the pages load (To do this in VMC go to Settings > Network Preference > 2G only)
Is it possible for you to try your SIM in a phone and see if you are able to get a stable connection to the internet?
I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this.
eForum Team
P.S for anyone experiencing simillar issues - don't forget to check out the Mobile Broadband Troubleshooting section.
06-04-2009 04:40 PM
I too have been experiencing extremely slow performance every single day in the City of London (Lime St) between 10am and 4pm every day since mid January. I'm using an E172.
I get resonable performance before 10am and after 4pm, but it appears that there is pretty much no bandwidth available at all between 10am and 4pm. My throughput goes down to single figure kbps or nothing at all. Then it's back up to 2-400 kbps again after 4pm.
I sit next to a window and can see several masts, some of which must be Vodafone, and have full signal stength. The only possible causes I can think of are either that the Vodafone infrastructure here is partially faulty (e.g. extra capacity infrastructure failing) or not up to the demand, or that I'm being throttled out.
Daz, is there a problem with the cell? I'm in EC3M 7HA.
07-04-2009 09:32 AM
07-04-2009 11:59 AM
Even worse this morning in EC1N 2HT. I normally get reasonable responses before about 10:00am.
Today, even at 9:00am all i get is the IE DNS error page displayed.
As usuall VMC reports that I have 5 bars on 3G+. The connection is stable, it does not drop. Just no response from the network.
You really need to understand how frustrating this is when the service does not work and Vodafone provide not even an explanation, never mind a resolution.
07-04-2009 12:42 PM
07-04-2009 01:00 PM
Jon, I've replied to your email.
I'm not convinced that the failures rates you see on this cell today can be the whole of the story. I purchased my Dell mini-9 from Vodafone just before xmas and the service seemed fine until the middle of January. Since then it has had consistently bad response time/total failure most days Mon-Fri between 10:00am and 4:00pm. Surely if there was a problem with this cell it would have been detected and fixed sometime between January and today?
07-04-2009 01:37 PM
07-04-2009 01:54 PM
07-04-2009 05:26 PM
16-12-2009 10:35 PM
Hi Everyone
We have fed back the various connection issues you have been experiencing, as well as those that may be due to the cell site updates that are going on around the country and London in particular.
As soon these issues are resolved you should notice an improvement in connection within your particular areas. In the meantime if you've been asked to forward your details via email i.e. Rgwagstaff by Jon, please do so in order to facilitate the raising of faults in the area.
eForum Team