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4gb extra data bonus

4: Newbie
Hi I have the £30 big value bundle pack and have been receiving the 4gb extra data bonus for the last 3 top ups and my new bundle started on the 26th of December and so far I have not received the extra 4gbs of data. As far as I'm aware as long as I'm opted into the £30 bundle I will receive the extra data. Vodafone ow roll any data from previous month which I'm using but surely if they stop the extra data bonus they would of sent a message saying so. Hope Sony an hell me with this issue. Thanks

Thank you very much. I will do. 

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)
I'm sorry that you have had such a poor experience with CS "help" - from what you describe, I'd have hoped that they could have sorted it out for you. Members of the forum Tech Team read all the posts here, so I suggest that you hold on for their advice on your problem.

4: Newbie
After having a similar issue regarding the 4gb data which was sorted for me. Whether or not I needed the extra 4gbs of data is not the point Vodafone states as long as I top up £30 and have never opted out then I will always receive the 4gbs and until they remove it from the t&c I will expect it every month plus I feel if they end the deal then I'd expect to be texted. The next time they fail to honour me the 4gb data without good reason i would not hesitate phoning for my PAC. Good luck in getting it sorted.

Not applicable

Thanks Kevin it was cos I saw you getting sorted on here that I posted.


Will, thanks again for the interest and reply, I work in a contact centre and for most of the last year was working on Vodafone so I know the computer systems used, policies, DPA procedures etc etc in fact were it not a breach of good ethics I could approach some of my colleagues and get this sorted in the space of 5 minutes but as you will be aware no agent should deal with a customer they know or have a relationship with.

The agent who texted me also texted me an auto generated 4 digit pin code - which is the only security required as there are none of my personal details on this PAYG account.  I couldn't answer the call as previously mentioned.  As for being unable to access my account without doing this - this is nonsense.  Back office staff and various agents in various positions access customers' accounts on a continual basis for a number of reasons not least to service that account for lots of different reasons.


The agent did say they would email me but they haven't and I have had no other private messages.


All that needs to happen is someone needs to look up my number on the computer system, modify the service and tick the appropriate box on the appropriate tab, verify it and submit it.  If they do not have access to do this then it needs escalated to someone who has a higher level of access and who has this option available to them.  I notice that kevin6062 got his identical problem sorted after a team leader dealt with it.  If they sorted it for him, surely they can sort it for me.



Not applicable


I have already visited 2 stores, called twice and chatted which is why I am having to resort to the forum.  As usual very poor customer service from Vodafone or its sub-contractors

Not applicable

May I also mention that I have had to waste 1050 reward points to get extra data and also have had to spend an extra £10 to get more data.  One agent on the phone offered me the usual one-off extra 2gb for a month but I said I didn't want this as I wanted the 4gb I am entitled to every month so they didn't even give me it and tried to make me out to be refusing their solution

Community Manager
Community Manager



So we can locate your email and help you further, please provide the case reference (looks like #[123456]) from our auto response and we'll be in touch.


Not applicable

The only thing on it was this code: WRT165

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)



Will's PM of 18-02 will have included a link to a form for you to complete. When you submitted that form, you should have received an automated response email, with a reference that looked something like WRT165 #15123456 - it's the #15123456 bit that Mark is looking for.

Not applicable

Thanks.  No email.  I have resubmitted the form - still no email.