16-03-2013 07:06 AM
16-03-2013 09:12 AM
Hey there.
Yes it is possible to have data added to your SIM only plan. Just take a look at the plans that include data in the link below then call customer services on 191 and they will be able to change your plan. The eForum Team can also assist but will take a little while to respond.
16-03-2013 03:45 PM
Hi KevinClarke,
Many thanks drey_p for his help here. If you’ve not had the chance to call 191, we can certainly take a look at your account and see what options are available to you. To allow us to do so, I’ve just sent you a PM.
You can find your PM inbox here. If you can’t access this link, please ensure that the box next to “Turn on private messages” is ticked on this page, and let us know if you need any further assistance.
If you can follow the details in the PM, we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.
01-10-2014 10:20 PM
01-10-2014 10:30 PM
Hi there
If you are wanting to add Vodafone Boost to your account, it will give you 2GB for £10 per month. This is charged every month whether or not you use it. You can add Boost by calling 191 or text 2GB to 97886