‎28-04-2014 03:31 PM
As the Subject says, does anyone at Vodafone know when the S4 Active will be given the 4.4 OTA update?
‎28-04-2014 05:58 PM
Hi TinoReid,
We don't have any fixed timescales for the release of this software.
Take a look at our Firmware statement for more information.
Matt B
‎29-04-2014 03:27 PM
Keep an eye on they usually have all the news on firmware release dates.
You can follow them on twitter to get up to the minute news.
‎24-05-2014 08:44 PM
‎26-05-2014 09:14 AM
The reason for this, is due to a combination of Vodafone and Samsung.
The S4 was the Flagship of 2013 and adopted by Millions, the S4 Active was a variation of that flagship and sold roughly just over 1 Million.
So I Samsung's eyes, it was the case of we should put out a 4.4 update beacause all the other S4s have it. but OTA updates are controlled by Vodafone, and basically their response is....not enough preople has bought this phone, so why bother with updating it, even though 4.4 is a majorly important security update.
‎24-05-2014 11:33 PM
‎26-05-2014 10:23 AM
‎28-06-2014 07:53 AM
‎28-06-2014 08:23 AM