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Anyone Cancelled Their iPhone 6 Order?

4: Newbie

Hey all,


I'm one of many VARY annoyed Vodafone customers, who ordered the new iPhone 6+ on release day, about half hour after they went on sale.


I'm still sat here without a phone, with VF telling me that the henadset is 'Pending Pick', when in actual fact with the warehouse, its on back order, ie, they don't have the phone.


So, dilema... i'm contemplating cancelling the order under the statutory 14 day cooling off period (which should be valid NOw as opposed to when the handset is delivered as they have already switched me onto my new tariff).


Does anybody know what line VF are using?  Because I can see that they will try and shaft me one way or another.


If I cancel, will they still take the cost of the handset out of my next bill?


Someone from VF, PLEASE reply to this message, preferably without telling me to call 191 because i'm sick of speaking to the call centre and being lied to.


11: Established
11: Established

Really hate to say it but the only 'other' way you cancel the order is to speak to someone in customer support on.. wait for it.. 191!! 


either that or wait for the handset and then send it back etc etc etc

Don't mess with stupid people. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. 

So... I just cancelled my order, albeit I had to speak to the dreaded team on 191 lol!


Obviously, not after I had spoken to the Carphone Warehouse...  Who are able to have a handest in my hand (wait for it....)






Just for the b@ll ache VF have given me, I've decided to jump ship to o2... who have the 128Gb iPhone 6 Plus for sale at £48 per month (2Gb data, Unlt calls & texts), with a handset cost of £139.99!!!!


Better deal than VF all together.  So who knows, maybe this whole farce has done me a favour in the end!


Contract cancelled.


Good luck!



I also order 6+ at around 9am on 12 sept (space grey) and have been waiting and waiting for the next update email only to be told they will send me another automated email in 5 days etc.


Went into carphone warehouse on wednesday. they said they could get me a 128 iphone + (silver) the next day. Swapped to an equivalent tarriff on O2 and picked up my phone yesterday.


Phoned up 191 and finally got through to someone in the contract team. Explained by frustration and that I just wanted to cancel my pre-order. after getting passed around to people following a script saying the phone would be here soon, I finally got through to someone in the contract team who completely understood and cancelled my pre-order so my status went back to 'out of contract period' meaning I could end my contract and get a pac code (which I have just done - they needed 24 hrs on the vodafone system for my new status to feed through before PAC code could be given and contract cancelled). I am so relieved to have my new phone and get off  of the vodafone waiting train.


The guy at carphone warehouse said they ordered more phones than any of the networks which is why they have more supply. 


They were SUPER SUPER helpful in carphone warehouse and spent a long time with me trying to get the right plan and get my new 128 6+ to me within 24 hrs. Very impressed with the service...not sure why I haven't used them before.


Good luck.

I cancelled my order after 4 orders cancelled by mistake by VF. Upgraded via Carphone warehouse got a much better deal, free phone and the phone was delivered the next day.