19-03-2015 10:36 PM
19-03-2015 10:46 PM
The advice from the Vodafone store is wrong. The network does offer a 2 year warranty on iPhones as long as it isn't down to customer misuse. Go back to the store, ask for the manager and insist on your rights.
27-03-2015 12:54 AM
No, the store was correct. Apple only offer one year warranties and all networks follow this. The consumer law that likes to get mentioned isn't even a law, it's an EU directive. The Sales of Goods Act is the law you need to look at, and that requires the customer to prove that the fault was there at purchase after six months.
As annoying as it is you'll have to pay for the repair as it's out of warranty.
27-03-2015 12:58 AM
27-03-2015 01:01 AM
Trust me, the store was not wrong. Vodafone do not offer a second year warranty on iPhones. For other manufacturers there are two year warranties. With Apple products there are only one.
27-03-2015 01:32 AM
27-03-2015 06:41 AM
27-03-2015 07:58 AM
Thanks @63johnw Let's find out if that is wrong and out of date as is often the case with Vodafone.
They definitely changed that policy a year or so ago and I'd be amazed if they've changed it back again.
Let's find out for certain shall we.
@Ellis_VF We'd appreciate it if you could confirm (or otherwise) that the policy of Vodafone offering a second year warranty on iPhones is still in place.
30-03-2015 10:56 PM
I don't know where you are getting this from but I can say with 100% certainty that there is:
1 - No second year warranty on iPhones through Apple, Vodafone, or any other network.
2 - No EU law to say that there must be a second year warranty.