28-08-2014 11:38 PM
29-08-2014 11:39 AM
The best way of connecting is to use the My Vodafone app. This can connect you automatically when there's a premium hotspot that's available to Vodafone customers. If you're being asked to log in, the chances are it's one of the many flavours of Openzone that are for its own users or BT Broadband customers only. Personally, I find the free service from The Cloud, and its FastConnect app, much more use.
29-08-2014 09:07 PM
I have never ever ever been able to to use a BT hotspot .... After many many many faile attempts I no longer bother trying to use tem #CompleteWasteOfTime
30-08-2014 11:32 AM
01-09-2014 08:32 AM
Hi steveo67 and zaahidkhan.
We can take a look into this for you by getting in touch with us here.
06-09-2014 03:05 PM
Thanks Sarah ... I will complete another form to go with the others I already made today ... I had actually forgotten about this but while i am Mad with Voda you might as well sort it out for me
07-09-2014 04:45 PM
I would use 4G if Vodafone had it in my area .... but they dont !
I did try a while back with me old S3 and Blackberry before that (so thats like 2 x 18 month contracts) to log on to one of these 'hotspots' but i could never ever make it work. I even drove espescialy to a place on the map to test it with ... but it didnt work .. ever !
Generally I am like you and have given up with it ... but since i am going through a few issues at the moment with Vodafone they might as well get it working for me
07-09-2014 09:33 PM
Yes in my town we have Starbucks, Tesco, HSBC Bank and tthe job centre that are BT Premium hotsots. they are all in or around the town centre.
09-09-2014 12:20 PM
I was playing with this at the weekend and discovered a few things, which may or may not be helpful.
1. When the My Vodafone app updates, it's a completely new installation and any previous settings are lost.
2. Following on from which, if BT wifi was activated previously, it'll be off by default now.
3. To activate BT wifi, you need to go into the Wifi Finder, then Setup and tick BOTH boxes. The ticks need to be green - the grey ticks actually mean "off". If you only tick "activate BT wifi", the setting isn't sticky and will have reverted to "off" next time you go back in.
Confusing - I'll say!
09-09-2014 01:35 PM
Sounds confusing and complicated ... whats up with just sign in like at cloud McDonalds or O2Wifi down the pub ??
Why make things so complicated ?