23-09-2014 12:17 PM
Hi Vodafone,
Wondering if any of the voda magicians can help with this, I collected my shiny new iphone 6 handset yesterday from store - love it, all great. However later that evening I got text saying that the phone was out of stock and voda would be in touch within 5 days, odd coming through with the text previous saying your phone is in the shop. I thought this was perhaps a glitch and the message was delayed. Then I got an email later last night saying the same thing. It also appears like another £125 is pending on my credit card - I already have my phone, I don't want another one. Could someone look into this for me? My Order on the tracking site is showing as complete, so I'm a bit baboozled!
23-09-2014 02:52 PM
Might be best to call 191 and see if there is another order linked to your account. You dont want to be paying for two lines.
Don't mess with stupid people. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
24-09-2014 03:01 PM
24-09-2014 03:53 PM
Thanks I'm sorted now!