Have purchased a USB modem/laptop package from Currys.
Nice laptop and broadband modem with a provider I have always said were the best.
5GB per month package.
Checked coverage online at home and in store showing that I live in a good signal area all be it on the edge almost.
Signal at best I can get 2 bars sometimes only 1 bar. Speed fluctuates so much from a couple of hundred kbs to 1.3mbs for seconds at a time not even for a minute or two. Quite often showing up and down speeds as 0kbs also.
I know I have a 14 day cooling off period with Currys and can take it back for a cancellation, had it 2 days so far.
Spoke to customer services and they put me on to tech support.Told that after checking my postcode S458BP that I am in a poor signal area and speed will fluctuate and their is nothing they can do or try to help me, suggested that I complain to customer services as he could not help me at all. Said he uses a better network checker than the website one and I am in a poor signal area that is it.
Why cant the website one be as accurate as the one he uses as this would have saved me wasting my time it seems!
I have run various speed test including the Think Broadband one and connection speeds are painfully
Think Broadband test result
0.9mbs down 0.1 up
Speedtest.net test result
When actually connected to 3G+ the speed is moderate given being classified as being in a variable indoor signal, but it shows I am in a good signal area on the website. Although most iof the time it drops back down to 3G and once went to GPRS which was so painfully slow.
I am dissapointed to say the least with the unhelpfullness of the tech support and would like to know if there is any way to improve the signal at all. Is the modem at fault? My old 3 modem actually connected better here and their website shows worse coverage than Voda.
Just seems a shame I cant have the deal I want on the provider I want because I apparently dont live in a good coverage area.
Surely my signal should be better than 2 bars? Surely the speed should be a little more stable?Dissapointed.