09-04-2018 03:12 PM
I moved to VF broadband in October (from TalkTalk). I'm on a 76mb package. My initial download speed was 55-60 (similar to that of TalkTalk). After a few weeks the speed started dropping, leveling off about 32mbps. After many calls/chat with VF they sent an Open Reach engineer (in December) and speed was restord to 60mbps. As weeks went on the speed dropped again. I've had multiple calls/chats and another engineer visit. The problem seems to be that the internet is dropping out about twice a day (which I can see on VF router's event log), this causes the speed on my line to be capped down.
Everytime I speak to them I have to go through their check list of things to do; Split SSID, use test socket, remove any interferance.....
Although generally VF are polite and helpful, they seem to essculate the issue to the level 2 team and when I chase the following week they tell me the issues been "resolved", even though my speed has not increased. When I spoke to them today they said they couldn't do anything as my speed is on my minimum contract speed of 35mbps.
Does anyone know if there is a simple answer? I have allways had the same router, could that be the cause?
10-04-2018 11:14 AM
@SJofNorsey When you say you've always had the same router is it the Vodafone one you're using?
10-04-2018 11:37 AM
@Nabswrote:@SJofNorsey When you say you've always had the same router is it the Vodafone one you're using?
Yes, only used the Vodafone router, since joining VF.
10-04-2018 12:01 PM
Do you have access to another one you could try?
There are loads of threads on this forum from people who have had issues with the Vodafone router, if you're able to try a different one then it would help rule out if this is the problem or not.
The broadband customer service team will be able to provide the required connection details (usernames/passwords etc) to use an alternative router. Additionally forum user @richardhuish has written a great post on his experience setting up his own router