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Broadband ordered, confirmation email received and then nothing.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I ordered Fibre Unlimited 38 on Sptember 3rd, due for switch over today 16th September. I got a confirmation email saying I would get a router in 2 days and somebody would contact me.

None of these things happened.

I can't get through to anybody over the phone because I don't have a broadband account number yet and it doesn't recognise my landline number. I have used my WEB order number on the 'Track Your Order' link and it says it's invalid.

To say I am dissapointed is an understatement.

Can anybody help me please?




17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @Ibzy


Is it the broadband customer service team you've been calling?


I don't think the normal CS channels have access to broadband accounts which may explain why nothing could be found.



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi @Ibzy


We have a dedicated Live Chat Broadband Team that can look into this for you. 


Otherwise, when calling our Broadband Team on 08080 034 515 - ignore the prompts to enter your number and after the third time of asking you'll automatically be put through to our automated systems which will enable you to talk with an adviser. 





1: Seeker

There seems to be a problem with online ordering. I had a similar experience - ordered online, got confirmation, but then when I called a couple of days later for a status, the order hadn't gone through properly. Very helpful and pleasant guy on the phone redid it and all was then well. 


Service went ant live this week, performance is excellent. 

Have a look at my thread on this, 


While the teams are helpfull, from what I understand they lack the experiance of handling "problems" at the moment, 

They will get better, but the issues are with Open Reach. / Vodaphone.


Someone is either

a.. not submitting the correct data to openreach

b. or they could be cherry picking the customers

c. they are terrible at doing this, pay the customer service teams peanuts and expect them to care. 


I have used live chat and (shock horrror) managed to get to speak to a customer liason manager.. who escalated my problem to an inquiry team.. ....   


either way, other companies are going to enter this market and they comany that earns its reputation, will prosper. 

Think Talk Talk, who would use them now, .... 


Hello @OxfordBlue


I'm relieved and thrilled to hear everything is resolved for you :Smiling:

Thank you for updating your post. 


Hello @Steve7


I have already replied to your previous thread. 

You mentioned that your case has been escalated to our inquiry team. Please let us know how you get on. 



Hi Louise

Thank you for your reply, and ofcourse I will be sure share the outcome of this.


kind regards



Hmm.  This is making me nervous.


I signed up for a Vodafone SIM last week and was really impressed.  Our contract is up with BT for our landline and fibre broadband, so thought I'd take up Vodafone's offer for that, too.


Things started badly.  My online account for the SIM didn't have a title, i.e. "Mr." stored, so when I tried to order broadband whilst logged in, the website told me 'Title is a required field', but there's absolutely nowhere to set that.


The Live Chat person said 'just order broadband when not logged in and create a new account'.  I raised an eyebrow and did as was told.


Now, I've got a cut-over date confirmed by Vodafone via email, a WEB-xxxx order number and have had a letter from BT confirming the switch date.


But my WEB-xxxx number and postcode lead to 'Invalid Order' when trying to track the order.


I've spent hours on hold/talking to Vodafone support today, only to be told that "our system is being upgraded and we can't look up your account - call back in an hour".   5 hours and three calls later, still the same.


Broadband Tech live chat is permanently showing "No agents available".  Bit of a dog's breakfast so far.


[EDIT:  I've now just gone through Live Chat via the Vodafone app on my phone.  Asked to be passed to the Home Broadband Tech team, which the assistant did for me.  The next assistant told me that Home Broadband support isn't done via Live Chat and I should call.  Bit of a shambles, really.  Shouldn't be this hard to answer the simple question: "Is my router on its way?".]

A quick update.  Live Chat investigated today (despite yesterday being told support for this wasn't provided via Live Chat!).


My router had not been dispatched due to 'problems with web orders'.  Another is apparently on its way now, but I was told there's absolutely no way of tracking that delivery, so I just need to trust them.


I just hope that the switch happens smoothly and that once it's up and running I don't have any problems for 24 months.  Vodafone support seems rather chaotic.

Hi @displaced


Our apologies for the experience you've had, it's really not a good start for you with us.


We hope everything now goes smoothly for you and you enjoy our service :Smiling:

