13-07-2014 05:52 PM
Is there a problem with buying data packs using vodafone accounts?
I now have a second problem. After topping up my credit successfully using a voucher I tried to buy a £5, 250MB for 30 days data pack for my dongle in the same way I always do. This time it said "Success!" and the balance went down £5 however the data pack was not listed under My Allowances. I waited a little while and the data pack is still not listed however the £5 does seem to have been credited back to the account balance.
So my first £5 topup disappeared just after it was applied, and the £5 seems to be gone forever (still unresolved by vodafone)
And now I cannot top up at all, but at least now it isn't stealing (any more of) my money.
Has anyone had a similar experience? This is getting so frustrating.
22-07-2014 03:29 AM - edited 22-07-2014 03:30 AM
It seems that this is yet another problem we have to suffer from Vodafone!
I purchased a £20 top-up voucher on the 17th of July added it to my credit balance just before the previous datapack expired and bought a £20 - 3gb datapack to follow on. 4 days later the balance had not been deducted from my credit despite being told that the datapack had been initiated and I am now unable to go online. On the 20th of July I bought a further £20 voucher and on the 21st bought a second 3gb datapack, again I was told that this datapack had been initiated and this time £20 was deducted from my credit balance which now stood at £40. An hour later the £20 had reappeared on my credit balance. I've tried the various suggestions made by the various techs on this thread with no result. The honest truth is that since this system was inaugurated its gone rapidly downhill and now appears to be damaged beyond repair. Its about time Vodafone admitted that and put it right.
22-07-2014 04:40 AM - edited 22-07-2014 04:43 AM
"Hello SOPS",
Thanks for your message - I am now even more concerned that there WILL be a problem when I try to use Top Up Vouchers to Credit my Vodafome Account Credit Balance and attempt to purchase Data Packs with money from the Credit Balance.
Your experiences and those of Forum members `janescl` and `clarehope123` are enough proof for Me that there ARE problems transacting Data Pack purchases using Customers Accounts Credit Balances.
I am not a conspiracy theorist - but I hope that these recent problems are not `engineered` to gradually get rid of Us Pay as You Go Mobile Broadband Dongle Customers.
I have previously not been able to successfully purchase a Data Pack using a Credit Card and now I am hearing about problems with trying to purchase Data Packs using money from Customers Credit Balances !
You only have to look on the Topic listings on here to find various threads where Customers are having big problems with Vodafone not wanting to Refund Credit Balances that were left when Vodafone changed the `Non Expiry on Top Ups / Credit Balances` Mobile Broadband Dongle Accounts.
I do not want to be one of those people `chasing` Vodafone to Refund Money that I cannot use in my Credit Balance.
22-07-2014 01:06 PM
Hi everyone,
This is really something where we need to check your individual accounts in order to see what's been going on.
Please email us, following the instructions I've sent to you all here.
We'll then be happy to help further.
Matt B
23-07-2014 02:53 PM - edited 23-07-2014 02:58 PM
"Hello Matt_B",
My descriptions of what happened when I tried to purchase Data Packs using a Credit Card were in response to the OP of this thread asking if anyone else had problems buying Data Packs.
On both occassions the purchase of Data Packs using a Credit Card Failed - the Data Pack was NOT applied to my Mobile Broadband Dongle Account.
During the `Discussion` on this thread I suggested that I was going to try the process of purchasing a Top Up Voucher - Submitting the Voucher Number using my Mobile Broadband Dongle`s On Screen display to credit my Vodafone Mobile Broadband Dongle Account and the buying a Data Pack using the money in the Account`s Credit Balance.
Other People posted messages that stated they had problems doing that.
One of your colleagues - Gemma - stated that I would have to involve Vodafone Customer Services to transact the purchase of a Data Pack from my Vodafone Credit Balance - another of your colleagues asked where I had been told that.
I have NOT yet attempted to carry out the process that I described above - so there is nothing to `Investigate` in my Vodafone Account at present.
For future reference with regard to using the online contact `Form` for my Personal details - this seems to be designed only for giving Personal / Vodafone Telephone Accounts details - a Vodafone Mobile phone number is a `Mandatory` entry on that Form - I do not have a Vodafone Mobile phone / number - the Form cannot be submitted without that - and when I entered the Number for my Vodafone Mobile Broadband Dongle this was rejected as an `Invalid Number` [as it is NOT a Telephone number ?].
Also I am VERY protective of my Personal details - especially my Date of Birth - for Data Protection / Identity Fraud protection purposes - I `Protect it` by NOT giving it to Companies such as Vodafone - again that is a `Mandatory` entry item on the Form.
25-07-2014 08:52 AM
25-07-2014 06:44 PM - edited 25-07-2014 10:50 PM
"Hello Jenny",
Thanks for your message - of course I know what Vodafone`s stance is regarding `Verifying Customers I.D.`
My comments about the Online `Form` and about Vodafone `requiring` Personal details are from this point of view:
When I had a `No Expiry on Top Ups / Account Credit Balance` Contract with Vodafone for my Vodafone Mobile Broadband Dongle I had registered the Dongle / Dongle number with Vodafone - I also entered a User Name and Password to access my Vodafone Online Account.
I had NOT `had to` give My Full Name - Address and Telephone Number / Mobile Phone Number and DATE OF BIRTH !
I had NOT previously been informed that I should `Go into a Vodafone Store and produce Photographic I.D. to verify your identity` - as was suggested to Me on a thread on here by one of your Forum colleagues !
As I do NOT have any Credit Facility on an Account with Vodafone I did NOT want the Company to have these Personal details - and I am certain from reading various comments on other threads about Vodafone changing our `No Expiry on Top Ups / Credit Balance` Pay as You Go Mobile Broadband Dongle Accounts that a LOT of people feel the same way.
That is where my irritated attitude to completing the Vodafone Online `Form` and giving my Personal details to Vodafone comes from.
28-07-2014 01:02 PM
29-07-2014 09:41 AM - edited 29-07-2014 09:44 AM
"Hello Sukhi",
Thanks for your message - I am assuming that You have read my Posts on this thread ?
What is there to look into ?
My last message above was an explanation to your colleague Jenny about the Forum and Vodafone Customer Services requiring `Full Details` - including Pay as You Go Customers Full Name - Full Address - Vodafone Mobile Number - without this You cannot submit the online support request Form - an Alternative Telephone Number and Date of Birth - plus Email address and Password.
This was NOT the case when I Purchased / Registered my Vodafone Mobile Broadband Dongle - just Dongle Number - Email address - User Name [could be anything] and Password.
21-07-2014 07:40 PM