02-03-2013 01:00 PM
A While a go we had to change the Sure Signal management from my online account to my wifes. This was donr by one of the Tech Team if I remember rightly.
I know have a problem that my new phone will not connect to the SS
To manage this I have tried using the wifes online account (She is at work), but when her acount loads it shows no content (we think the UN and PW were correct). It asks us to register her phone to the account (which she had done years ago), we tried anyway but it throws up an error saying she has already registered.
Next I try getting a username reminder sent to her, however the website doesnt recognise her number to send her a text or email.
So now Im a bit stuck.
Cant manage the SS to get my phone working
Cant login using the wifes account as it doesnt seem to exist
Ideas anyone?
02-03-2013 08:57 PM
Ive managed to get in now.
I have removed my number from the SS and have re added it. Have done the reset as mentioned in other posts however I still dont have a 3G connection.
04-03-2013 09:08 AM
Hi darylit,
It's great you got access in the end as we wouldn't have been able to do this for you :smileywink:
If your new phone isn't picking up your Sure Signal, it might need a short while to connect, especially if you've changed SIM too.
One possible workaround is to completely de-register then re-register the Sure Signal online, this can force the unit to pick up the new SIM.
Give this a try and let us know how you get on