18-03-2018 06:17 PM
We've just swithced (12.03.18) from Talk Talk to Vodafone 76 and are having speed issues with our wifi.
Wired we're getting being sent 70mbps at Vodafone's end and recieving 60mbps hard wired, which would be fine, however wifi speeds are around 3-10mbps, regardless of where the router is plugged in or how far devices are from the router itself - even right next to it with only one device connected.
We've split the frequencies, worked through all the channels at different times of day, it makes no difference. I've had two legthy calls to Vodafone who couldn't really offer any assistance other than the above and 'stick a pin in the router to reset it.' or 'wait a month for it to 'settle down'. The latter seems quite improbable as it's not a connection issue to the house.
Any suggestions of where to go from here? I'm not paying £24 a month for barely useable internet speeds - should we just call it quits with Vodafone now?
18-03-2018 10:31 PM
Something like Acrylic Wifi on Windows will let you see the strength and channels used by any nearby Wifi networks. There are similar Android applications. You would also be able to see if the Vodafone router's Wifi strength looks reasonable.
In Windows 10 File Explorer if you go to Network Connections, right click your wifi connection and select Status your Wifi connection speed with be shown.
Does the Talk Talk router allow you to enter a connection userid and password? If so you might be able to use that instead. Alternatively if you switch of the TT router DHCP and set it to an IP address that does not conflict with the DHCP range of the Vodafone router or the Vodafone routers IP address, you could connect the two routers together with a wired connection and then use the TT router's Wifi.
19-03-2018 02:11 PM
If you are getting a decent wired speed it is unlikely to be your ISP service. If you are getting close to 60mbps thats is good. The average is around 45 MB on the current higher FTTC product (we await G-Fast). Moving between BT/SKY/EE/Vodafone has little affect for most of us they are all provided by BT Openreach and the copper pair between your house and the cabinet is either good or bad, long or short. The only difference between providers is their current discount pricing, the router supplied, various account add-ons and some backhaul differences such as connectivity to NETFLIX/BBC etc. Unless the provider has their own network or switching in your particular area its otherwise the same line service.
The VDSL modem in the Router may take time to settle at the lines optimum speed but an initial working speed should be achieved straight away. The Router/WIFI Access Point functionality should be up within the router power on cycle. It either works or it doesn't.
You do not say how you are testing both the wired Ethernet and the WIFI speeds. Compare the BT Wholesale Speed Test to a basic server test such as The former should show the technical speed of the line and the latter the typical speed you should experience via your ISP on the ethernet ports. Remember the WIFI speed will be as slow as the WIFI products being used so use a more recent phone/tablet/PC to check the speeds.
More importantly what has changed?. If you were on a slower TalkTalk product (probably ADSL) and are now on up to 76MB I am assuming you have moved to FTTC (probably via Openreach) and as a consequence you now have a new VDSL router supplied by Vodafone?
A factory reset on a router should restore it to the most common domestic settings. Decent WIFI Routers should automatically allocate channels to avoid issues. I am assuming that as the ethernet works the Router is otherwise functioning OK. There is always an outside chance that you do have a faulty router but its very unlikely.
I am presuming your previous WIFI was OK. To confirm its the WIFI on the new router you could either use your old TalkTalk Router (in tandam) or purchase/borrow a dual band WIFI extender connected via Ethernet in AP Mode to test. If you can verify it is the new Routers WIFI following a reset to its defaults then Vodafone should change it.
If not we probably need more detail.