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Free AirPods with iPhone X

4: Newbie

Lots of talk about first iPhone X 1000 customers getting free AirPods, Voda CS confirmed this is true. I registered interest with the iPhone which is all I was told to do but not heard anything else. Did anyone get an email confirming free AirPods?


Well at least someone has actually got the confirmation then, I'm not one of them though...


It looks like quite a number got their orders in pre 8am!

Nothing yet ...

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

7:57am  order and heard nothing, so said, also didn't get the email about the promotion even though I registered interest as soon as iphone x was announced.  No idea how they selected who got the email

Tis a strange one indeed.

Got the email at 8.13, then did the preorder straight away.

Would've been a nice little incentive. oh well.


Strangely, even though I registered interest (more than once)... I never got an email from Vodafone saying it was ready to pre-order.  Recon they had some issues on the day.


The ones who received the email. What time did you pre order? I ordered my phone at 07:58, no comms from voda

I’m fairly new to these forums, does a representative from Vodafone ever respond on them? I sat there refreshing the page Friday morning and got my order through as soon as it appeared about 7.55. I find it very hard to believe that 1000 people got there before me! 

I would have to agree...seems odd that having followed all the 'requirements' and completed pre-order around 8am on 27/10, I am outside of the first 1000 customers to complete order and receive this 'freebie'. But I guess there is little one can do about it. Congrats to those who have received confirmation of being eligible, obviously have faster fingers than me :Smiling:

I am pleased to say I got an text from Vodafone at 19.11 last Tuesday to confirm that I will be getting my Airpods.


Preordered Iphone X at around 7.30am 27/10.