02-10-2014 04:41 PM
Anyone know what is going on with this? Been on webchat 3 times this week and been given 3 different answers! One of them said it would be on pre order this week which doesnt look likely, one said no pre order but going on sale 10th and the other said the same but the 17th. They dont have a clue! Only Vodafone and O2 who dont have it available for presale.
17-10-2014 12:10 PM
Yes it is on the website now
17-10-2014 12:49 PM
That it is.
And I was able to order for Saturday.
The whole conundrum with the release of this handset lies somewhere between frustration and mild amusement.
17-10-2014 12:10 PM
It's available in Black Only?
I was after the White....
17-10-2014 12:13 PM
You can click for the white option once clicked onto the black :).
17-10-2014 01:23 PM
Mines in my hand.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! :smileyvery-happy:
17-10-2014 01:31 PM
17-10-2014 02:16 PM
Ended up getting mine from CPW as their tariffs were more reasonable, well impressed by it so far just need to order a case.
17-10-2014 02:34 PM
Great Phone so far. £40 for a case seemed a bit steep, but that might just be me being a skinflint