04-10-2017 09:48 PM
Well just recently moved house and thought it wouldnt be a problem moving home phone over little did we know it would be.
After several calls with out speaking to any one i finally got through to an advisor 2nd attempt after 3 hours on hold yeah that was the first time i called time before i was on hold even longer.
Managed to then get setails changed to new address and also was told it just be a few days till it changed over was happy with that alao upgraded to fibre at same point.
Then following day received an email saying it wouldnt be till 3rd of october so time scale changed from few weeks till nearly 4 weeks. So back on to phone and yet again on hold for stupid amount of time really great customer service so. Contacted and finally got through to an advisor and they explained issue.
So 3rd of october has came and went and guess what no broad band and sitting here on hold be cut off twice getting really annoyed and me and the wufe have both been with vodaphone in excess of 20 years thinking time for a change if this dosent get resolved very very quickly.
Mr Annoyed
05-10-2017 03:35 PM
We're sorry to hear of your recent experience with us @Robhutch78
Because your query is account specific, i've sent you a private message on how to contact our team directly, so we can look into this with you further.