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Half Price Big Value Bundles

4: Newbie
I received a text offer a few months back for 12 months of half price big value bundles. This was followed up with a reminder on 16/11 to say I needed to accept the offer via text by 18/11 before it expires.

I topped up on 18/11 and sent the activation text to 49201 only to receive the following reply:

We're sorry but the bundle we offered you can't be added to your balance. As an apology we have given you £2 worth of free credit for you to enjoy.

I was obviously not happy with this to say the least so logged on to live chat. They in turn told me to call 191 to get the offer activated. I called 191 and after a 30 minute call was told to call 49201 to activate the offer. I rang the number which didn't work so I called back again and was told by a different agent that he would activate the £10 bundle which he did.

I would just like some confirmation that I will now get half price bundles for the following 12 months as per the offer?



Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)
I'd guess that the intention of the offer is to attract customers to the BVB whose phone usage would make it a useful bundle for them, rather than to reward customers who already have the BVB. My own usage is on the margins of making the BVB worthwhile, so I'd certainly take up the offer if it popped up on my account, and I imagine that I'd then get very used to the convenience of it!

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@davidf20 I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.


4: Newbie
Thanks Alex. I have filled in enquiry form and look forward to hopefully getting this resolved.


4: Newbie
Hi Alex, still waiting for a reply?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@davidf20 I can see that we've received your latest email. 


A member of our team will respond to your email as soon as they can. 

4: Newbie
Had the below reply today after missing a call at work. I would like to add that I have not been given a £10 bundle. I was given 100 mins for 30 days, 50 texts for 7 days and 500mb for 7 days when I called to complain the second time I was offered half price bundles but then told I am not eligible.

To say I am not satisfied with this response is an understatement! How can I escalate further?

Hi David,

I've tried to call you today at 4.21pm, but you were unavailable.

I've looked into your Pay as you go account for you.

I can confirm that the offer you're querying, you were not eligible for.

As I can see from your notes, our Pay as you go team made you aware of this.

As a one time goodwill gesture the team added the Big £10.00 value bundle for you, for 1 month only.

Once again we apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you.


Social Media Comms

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@davidf20 - I'm sorry to hear that.


Please reply to the email and we can look into this further.

4: Newbie
Jenny, thanks for the reply.

I have responded to the email to request the following.

- Why am I not eligible for the offer presented to me twice?

- I was told I have been given a big value bundle as a gesture of goodwill, however the mins etc I was given did not equate to even a £10 bundle in terms of the amount or duration of services. Perhaps you can give me what Danielle claims I have been given as a start?

Thanks in advance.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@davidf20 Thanks for your email response. 


A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.