My contract is £17pm, 500 mins 500mb data unlimited texts
1) last contract term (19th August to 18th September) I added 1GB of Data
2 ) this term (19th Sept onwards) I use 1.1GB out of 1.5GB and I spoke to someone on live chat to cancel it who said I could still use the remaining 400mb.
3) I have no data left whatever and automatically get a £6.50 out of bounds charge
4) I spoke to someone who tells me differently saying that It removes it because It used my normal data before the extra (Someone could of told me that)
5) I was going to be given it back for no additional charge (has I have been charged)
6) almost 2 hours ago he said 15 minutes and it will be on, still got no data
I have been removed of 500mb of data which has been paided for,I have been lied to which has a used me to be charged £6.50
Now my contract is at £23.85 and I was charged for the 1GB last month along with last month's 1GB, I am utterly disgusted with how vodafone support has messed me around like this and if I could move network I most likely would after this.