15-07-2015 02:12 PM
I still have my old IPhone 4 (having upgraded two years ago). I would like to unlock this so that I can use a SIM from another provider.
I completed the request form about 3 weeks ago but have had no confirmation email or any communication to say that it is being processed or indeed that it is unlocked.
Is there a way to check on Progress ?
15-07-2015 02:17 PM
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
15-07-2015 02:17 PM
Hi there
You should have received an automated acknowledgement by now. I'd recommend calling customer services on 191 or using LiveChat to see if the request has actually been received.
You can check to see if the unlock request has been processed by connecting the phone to iTunes with a non Vodafone SIM card in it. A message will pop up saying the phone is unlocked.