20-08-2014 07:57 AM
Hello MY name is Filip , i buy iphone 5S in uk from vodafone he is lock in to carrier.
I must travel back to my country czech republic and want to unlock the iphone for my carrier is there any possibility to unlock him ?
pls give me some advice if is there any chance to unlock and how unlock and how much i must pay or it is free..
Thx for response. Filip
20-08-2014 11:24 AM
Cany any one help me ? im now in Czech and need to unlock my iDevice.. i dont know if i need to buy a r-sim9+ or vodafone can do imei inlock .. im looking on site here but there is only unlock for local UK customers not for abroad customers.
Price is around 20 libra it is ok but how can i do this ??
20-08-2014 11:46 AM
20-08-2014 08:55 PM
thx for response - im second owner first owner is died in excident.. but i cannot have any document or etc for iphone.. only i have iphone and charger thats what i have from my friend. I dont know where or how he buy this iphone, his mom say me , he is buy in vodafone but she didnt know exactly if is true or no.. second option is T-mobile UK.. :/// now im waiting for iphone carrier check then we will see whitch carrier is orgininal i hope so.. or if can someone have any access to this pls look at my imei : 358685057694636
20-08-2014 09:01 PM
As stated previously, only the original owner can unlock a contract device. As you aren't the original owner, there is nothing further that Vodafone can do for you. I'm afraid that they can provide no further information on the device except to the original owner.
20-08-2014 10:09 PM
21-08-2014 01:22 PM
thx for response , we will see what happend still waiting for carrier check.