05-12-2016 05:14 PM
I have a suresignal v3 booster and a windows phone that i have been trying to connect. I have plugged the suresignal into bt broadband and all the lights illuminate as they should but the phone fails to connect to the booster. I have zero vodafone coverage (with none planned) and need to get this sorted for work purposes. Upon reading all the suresignal gumph I found that it needs a download and upload speed of 1 mb/s I get the correct download but am way off the upload speed (circa 0.2 mb/s). I am at the end of a very long telephone line and am stuck with BT. My question is would purcahsing an older suresignal off eBay (v1 or 2) enable me to start receiving calls?. I have another mobile on 3 and the signal booster supplied works wonders.
Any advice graetfully received. Just to confirm that the suresignal 3 I currently have has been registered to my phoen and postcode
08-12-2016 11:45 AM
@on_the_edge Can you take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, and then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread?
Although your upload speed doesn't meet the minimum requirement of 1Mbps, we'd still like to check your set up to ensure there's nothing else restricting your device from making a connection.