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K3760/ VMC - LAN/WLAN disconnection issue

Not applicable
I have a user who has a K3760 dongle, running VMC 9.4.6 on a Windows 7 machine.

She can use a LAN/WLAN connection fine at home/work.

When she goes out to a customer she uses the dongle, VMC loads fine, it sees the dongle and allows her to connect no problem at all.

Right now for the problem:-

Once she disconnects and then goes back to the office/home she cannot connect to LAN/WLAN without first disabling the LAN/WLAN connections and then enabling them again.

This problem only occurs when the VMC software is installed.
We unticked all the LAN/WLAN connections in VMC > Manage Connections (Home & Roaming Tabs) except for the Mobile Connections. I've set VMC to exit once the dongle is removed etc.

This has happened with VMC version 9.3.x and 9.4.6

Any ideas???

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hey there cumbrianblues, and welcome to the eForum! :P

I've never seen this happen on Windows 7 with the latest versions of VMC :huh:

There was a similar problem on Vista, but that was resolved with an update. I don't have a solution for you right now, but it does sound like how your machine is prioritising connections - as if it's still trying to connect via VMC even with WLAN present.

Can you try the modem on another computer? Does the same occur?

I will ask around the team for some advice and get back to you when we know more! In the meantime, any extra detail you can provide will really help!


eForum Team