12:15 PM
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03:58 PM
We’ve created this thread to help with an issue that some people find during setup.
This issue has the following symptoms:
Troubleshooting steps:
Wait 24 hours.
It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for the Sure Signal to fully register with the server. Before attempting any of the steps below, please wait 24 hours.
Check for planned maintenance.
Planned maintenance can cause periods of downtime, so check the forum for any planned maintenance. If there is, this will be announced at the top of the Sure Signal forum.
Check that your Sure Signal has registered successfully.
Before your Sure Signal can connect to our network, you need to register it with us.
You’ll receive a text or email to let you know when the registration is complete and your Sure Signal won’t work until you’ve received this message.
To check your Sure Signal is registered, login to your My Vodafone Account and click on the 'My Sure Signal' tab. Your Sure Signal details should be listed, along with the status 'Registered'.
If you’ve not yet registered your Sure Signal, you can do this directly from the My Sure Signal page in your My Vodafone Account .
If you’re a Business customer, please register on our business Sure Signal page.
Manually configure your router to allow port-forwarding.
In most cases, routers support a system called Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP), which sets up port-forwarding for you automatically. If you’ve got a complicated network setup, or a complex router, you may need to enter these settings manually.
Please see the following for a list of IP addresses and port numbers that need to be forwarded to your Sure Signal's internal IP address. For instructions on how to do this, we recommend you contact your ISP or Router Manufacturer, or refer to the default guide for your particular make and model, over at
Destination IP Addresses:
Ports and Protocols:
Please note that in the above list of IP addresses, the notation "" means the complete range of IP addresses between and
Your router also needs to assign the Sure Signal with a DNS (Domain Name Server) address via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Post your router/ISP details and Sure Signal serial number.
If you’ve done all of the above, or you’re struggling with configuring your router, please post your router's make and model number below. Please also include your Sure Signal serial number and the name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
We find that other users of the same router will usually be able to share tips with you, to get things working.
We’ll also attempt to help with this, but due to the number of different manufacturers and models, it is not always possible. We don’t officially support any form of router configuration, so we’ll always recommend contacting your router manufacturer or ISP for assistance first.
11-12-2010 09:14 AM
11-12-2010 09:18 AM
Once upon a time there was a handsome prince, a happy VSS customer. Then, one day, the big bad Belkin router that had been guarding the gateway to his castle threw a wobbly. His castle was cut-off and his only recourse was to visit a nearby market and buy a new guardian for his castle.
This new guardian was called a Netgear DGN2200 Wireless-N 300. This was a fine choice as the guardian sat at at the gateway with his lights flashing and provided access to all of the wonders of the InterWebNet-thing. All was well in the castle... or so he hoped. In fact, a mean troll had entered his VSS and decided that he did not like the DGN2200 and would refuse to cross the gateway. He sat there with his first light glowing and his second light flashing.
The handsome prince was not put-off. He accessed this repository of wisdom and ploughed threw the history of woes, of incantations, and of chants that have been used in the past. None appeared to work:
- He set a static address for the VSS
- He allowed specified ports to be forwarded
- He reset the DGN2200
- He reset the VSS
- He tried defining the VSS in the DMZ
No incantation seemed to work. He referenced (surely the dark side) for advice, but this reveals many devices other than the 2200 - and even the vaguely similar 2000 device appears to have different internal software so the instructions were of no help.
The handsome prince is now at a loss and seeks guidance from the Lords of Femto... what can he do next to restore the VSS to full function
11-12-2010 09:31 AM
11-12-2010 09:34 AM
11-12-2010 09:53 AM - edited 11-12-2010 09:55 AM
Just got off phone again to second line support and he tried telling me it was my isp lol, has this issue still not be raised as a fault because it seems nobody in support is even aware of it!
I wondering if George or another memnber of staff can confirm this problem with suresignal has been raised?
I was promised twice yesterday that i would be called back regarding this and never recieved any callback, Can any staff arrange a call back for me from someone who is aware of this problem
Serial Number *
11-12-2010 10:04 AM
I think (or should that be hope) this is good news. This morning my SS is working. Can't be anything I did as it woke up while I was asleep so must be something from the Vodafone end.
Naturally I don't know if this happy state will continue or if in a few hours I will again have no signal. If that does happen I will post an update.
Hopefully that means they are actually doing something and everyone will soon be back connected.
11-12-2010 10:49 AM
Further to my previous posts in this thread (and others) my vss is still down this morning (Saturday 11th) with power light steady and 2nd light flashing .. note this is after resets all round, checking ports are all open, etc etc. and again as per previous posts knowing this is not local related.
Vodafone please note (again!) - many others are experiencing the same problem over the last few days as can seen by posts on here where they were working then in the last couple of days they've stopped working with no changes at the local end.
I will prepare a technical description of the way the vss works in terms of interaction with the router/isp/vodafone servers as soon as I have time and post it on here for all to read and comment on and of course would really welcome Vodafone's corrections to it should it prove incorrect in any way. With this description it hopefully will explain how it's the vss trying to connect via VPN to the Vodafone servers that is the problem in many (majority) of the current/recent cases posted on here including my own at present.
There is obviously an issue with the VPN concentrators/servers/hosts at Vodefone that is preventing many vss making the connection with them either caused by failed servers, under capacity, vpn connection limits, etc etc. as the traffic/packets are going you over the internet NOT being rejected by the router or ISP.
George or anyone else at Vodafone who is monitoring this thread please please PLEASE just listen to all these comments from the customers and realised, if not already aware, that there is an internal issue with the Sure Signal service/servers or whatever one refers to it as that is either under capacity or not working correctly and at least just acknowledge that and let us customers know that it is being addressed and how.
Best regards,
12-12-2010 10:00 AM
The handsome prince is delighted to report that the VSS is now working again. He is not sure if it was the Port Forwarding or moving the VSS to the DMZ, but one of them worked... eventually. All is now well in the Kingdom, and we can live happily ever after.
12-12-2010 10:53 AM
I just wanted to put my two pennies worth in having written a few times in this thread and others with some positive news .. fingers crossed that is!
My vss came back up at around 7pm yesterday (Sat) after having been down since earlys hours of the 10th .. once again (and this means the same as previous times) I had done nothing at the local end and no changces on router or ISP or anything and .. it appears that a number of other users (I agree not all) also had a functionality return during yesterday without doing anything themselves.
From everything I have heard, with numerous discussions with different 2nd line support staff over the last few weeks and with assumptions (yes assumptions not know facts I fully admit) based on 25 years in IT and having implemented/supported numerous VPN type scenarios in the past it seems almost certain (?) that it's (this particular loss of service for numerous users) been either a failure with one of a pool of servers that the vss use to connect and create VPN tunnels with .. or .. and I think more likely giving recent conversations with Vodafone folks, that the unforseen big increase in the uptake of vss in the market had caused the capacity of the the pool of vpn servers to be reached (all vpn servers have limits on number of connections) in the last few weeks and that (hopefully) new server(s) were added or brought online to the pool in the last day or so and hence connections started to become available again. This would also explain why so many on here have said their vss have been fine for months until recently etc., as during those last few months there was capacity.
I could easily be wrong (well maybe not easily! :)) and if so I would once again welcome Vodafone's corrections to the hypothisis and another explanation for the situation that causes many (I do so hope some of the tech staff have started to read these forums so they know) users to have the same problem occur at the same time frame and for it to resolve itself again in the same time frame without any intervention locally.
If however my thought process on this is right or in the right area then again It would great and we would all welcome Vodafone's confirmation on this as it would mean at least that something is being done to address the stability and capacity aspects of the vss service which would be terrific.
I've posted and had a number of quite frustrated and perhaps volatile conversations in the last few weeks on and around the openness at least of the reason behind and admission of these outages (an outage is when something affects many users which according to this forum at least has occured a few times over the last few weeks regardless of what is know internally) but I have to say that when the vss is working it is a fantastic product/service so I'm 100% behind Vodafone's push to have it in the market so I do hope in the spirit of mutual optomisim going forward that we can be told exactly what the situation(s) are and have been and what the progress is on fixing them.
So not wishing to hold my breath but in hope!
Best regards,
11-12-2010 12:18 PM
I am new to Sure Signal. I have been trying to get it working for 3 days without success.
I have registered my Sure Signal - and received a text notification of being registered. I can see the Sure Signal is registered when I log in to Vodafone's web site.
I have opened the ports on my router as requested - including port 8.
I have rebooted, soft and hard reset my router and my Sure Signal.
I have waited over 24 hours.
I still have my power light on and my "@" light flashing slowly.
I have a Thompson TG585n O2 router, with more than enough broadband speed. I have no internet connection problems. I have followed all the instructions on
I contacted Vodafone two days ago and received an email saying they would contact me back within 24 hours - which they haven't.
Please help me before I am forced to send back my Sure Signal with a letter of complaint and demand a refund!
I appreciate any help anyone can give me in advance.