12:15 PM
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03:58 PM
We’ve created this thread to help with an issue that some people find during setup.
This issue has the following symptoms:
Troubleshooting steps:
Wait 24 hours.
It can sometimes take up to 24 hours for the Sure Signal to fully register with the server. Before attempting any of the steps below, please wait 24 hours.
Check for planned maintenance.
Planned maintenance can cause periods of downtime, so check the forum for any planned maintenance. If there is, this will be announced at the top of the Sure Signal forum.
Check that your Sure Signal has registered successfully.
Before your Sure Signal can connect to our network, you need to register it with us.
You’ll receive a text or email to let you know when the registration is complete and your Sure Signal won’t work until you’ve received this message.
To check your Sure Signal is registered, login to your My Vodafone Account and click on the 'My Sure Signal' tab. Your Sure Signal details should be listed, along with the status 'Registered'.
If you’ve not yet registered your Sure Signal, you can do this directly from the My Sure Signal page in your My Vodafone Account .
If you’re a Business customer, please register on our business Sure Signal page.
Manually configure your router to allow port-forwarding.
In most cases, routers support a system called Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP), which sets up port-forwarding for you automatically. If you’ve got a complicated network setup, or a complex router, you may need to enter these settings manually.
Please see the following for a list of IP addresses and port numbers that need to be forwarded to your Sure Signal's internal IP address. For instructions on how to do this, we recommend you contact your ISP or Router Manufacturer, or refer to the default guide for your particular make and model, over at
Destination IP Addresses:
Ports and Protocols:
Please note that in the above list of IP addresses, the notation "" means the complete range of IP addresses between and
Your router also needs to assign the Sure Signal with a DNS (Domain Name Server) address via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Post your router/ISP details and Sure Signal serial number.
If you’ve done all of the above, or you’re struggling with configuring your router, please post your router's make and model number below. Please also include your Sure Signal serial number and the name of your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
We find that other users of the same router will usually be able to share tips with you, to get things working.
We’ll also attempt to help with this, but due to the number of different manufacturers and models, it is not always possible. We don’t officially support any form of router configuration, so we’ll always recommend contacting your router manufacturer or ISP for assistance first.
12-07-2011 04:27 PM
Hi Benj
Thanks for replying. If I understand you correctly this is the cause of the VSS being unstable over the last 18 months but what is causing my complete lack of connection since Thursday which has never happened before. I've just done another speed test which resulted in 2912 kps & 370kps. The VSS however still can't connect
12-07-2011 05:29 PM
Hi Boble
Light 1 on light 2 flashing would point to connectivity problems. Looking at the report you posted this showed connectivity problems. My only option would be to replace this box if I couldn’t see any connectivity problems. As there is a problem I wouldn’t be able to swap this box out until we could see this being resolved as there is no guarantee this next step would resolve the problem as we can see an issue with the line. I know you have had problems for 18 months and the root cause of this problem is most likely the line speed. Did you speak to your ISP regarding this? I have escalated this issue to see if there is anything our side, however we can see requests being sent to the box but nothing coming back which would indicate the line or the router configuration is incorrect. I wouldn’t go down the router configuration route with you as it has been working for 18 months (albeit unstable due to the line speed) and there is no indication of this being the culprit.
There is a quite a variance in the last speed test and the latest results you’ve given. Are you aware of any peripheral being connected at the time of this test? Also did you do a trace route report? The trace route report is more important than the bandwidth as in your case you are only just meeting the requirements however looking at the time out on the trace route we suspect latency to still be causing the problem.
eForum Team
12-07-2011 10:38 PM
I have afriend up the road that also has a VSS would it be worth swapping my box with his to see if his connects on my line or is their some registration issue that prevents this
12-07-2011 11:00 PM
first of all, mate, the forum isnt a real time chat. everybody has to wait their turn, just like being in a queue.
secondly, if your mates vss works then if you wanna swap and try yours at his/hers and his/hers at yours then you'll both have to de-register and re-register.
finally, when you register theirs at yours, and yours at theirs you wanna leave it up to 24 hrs before you do anything else
hopethis helps
12-07-2011 11:32 PM
If Vodafone provided a proper help desk then I wouldn't have to resort to this. I've been without a service now for 6 days
13-07-2011 03:30 PM
14-07-2011 11:54 AM
Hi Lee,
As a result of the adsvice I received about having to re- register and wasit 24 hours I decided not to bother. However I have been in contact with my ISP and conducted at least a dozen speed tests for them yesterday. They are now consistently reporting download speed of 2.9 mbs and upload speed of 0.37 mps. My ISP indicate that is average for this area. I have checked with the friend who has VSs and lives 400 yards from me. His line speed is 2.8 download and 0.35 upload and his VSS is working well on that. I have just done another speed test which resturned 2.91 and 0.37. I have also done a tracert copy pasted below. It would appear that the line speed is not the issue. Any other ideas gratefully received
icrosoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 24 ms 23 ms 24 ms []
3 26 ms 25 ms 27 ms []
4 25 ms 26 ms 25 ms
5 27 ms 25 ms 25 ms [
6 29 ms 28 ms 27 ms []
7 28 ms 27 ms 28 ms [
8 30 ms 28 ms 28 ms []
9 28 ms 29 ms 28 ms []
10 27 ms 28 ms 27 ms []
11 38 ms 37 ms 38 ms VODAFONE-LTD.TenGigabitEthernet7-1.ar6.LON3.gblx
.net []
12 * *
15-07-2011 09:59 PM
I would particularly like to devote this message to FelixDaHousecat (level 3 mentor) after all if it had not been for your intervention, mate, then I would have resolved this issue 2 days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now day 8 without a service ,I decided to take a chance and plug my friends VSS in and it worked straight away without having to deregister then register the box . So I have proved through using own initiative and without any help from Vodafone that my VSS is Broken. Unfortunately it has taken 8 days and £20 to do this! I am involved in a business in which my clients expect me to be contactable 24/7 so you cannot even begin to imagine how upset I am!
I really do not understand why you as customers of Vodafone are prepared to put up with this abysmal, sub standard way of dealing with Faults with their Equipment.
Lee, Benj and all the other techies I'm not having a go at you, you have done your level best to resolve my problems within the parameters set by Vodafone and I am extremely grateful for all your efforts. Thank you. I do however, sincerely hope that you pass this message on to your managers.
These are the issues I have with having to deal with an e-forum to resolve technical issues rather than a help desk :-
28-07-2011 03:02 PM
Please help, after over a year of almost perfect operation my sure signal has stopped working today. I have the older model.
The first light is on continous and the second light is just flashing.
I have reset both the sure signal and all other methods shown in this thread, I have also reset my bt home hub but it's still nt playing ball.
any ideas
28-07-2011 04:30 PM
Hi aandpwoodley,
Thanks for your post. I'm sure you're aware already, but I've answered you in this thread
eForum Team