20-07-2016 09:53 AM
Hi, I can see this has been discussed before, but with no suitable resolution. My Sure Signal has been installed and working for a few days. However, now my phone location is completely inaccurate (by 30 miles or more). In Android M, the location mode can be one of 3 settings:
High Accuracy (uses GPS, Wif-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile networks)
Battery saving (uses Wif-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile networks, not GPS)
Device only (uses GPS only)
So there is no option other than "Device only" that excludes the use of the mobile network. The GPS only is going to run my battery down faster than the others. Is there no technical fix that Vodafone have come up with in the several years that Sure Signal has been sold?
20-07-2016 05:24 PM
This sounds like your phone is showing the server that the Sure Signal routes to.
This will only show when your connected to the Sure Signal. We can amend this by changing the Service Area Code through our highest level of technical support.
So that we can look into this further, see the private message I've sent for how to get in touch.