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Looking at Vodafone broadband? Look elsewhere!

4: Newbie

Honestly, vodafone are a complete shambles.


I signed up to there broadband for 80mb fibre, and was given an activation date. I was told the engineer would be there the day before to install my line (I didn't have existing line)


OpenReach came to install it ... it took them 4 days to get it working. 4 days all day where I lost time off work at my expense. This also involved routing me to a different telegraph pole further from the exchange in terms of cable length. I got less than the minimum guaranteed speed. Voda seemed ok with this (so much for guarantee). I did not consent or know about there plans to route me to another pole and lower my speed.


Unhappy but left with no options, they leave after completing a shabby half arsed installation ... and within 1 month it all goes down. No internet. Phone vodafone only to be told they would raise a fault but only if I agree that there is a possibiliy I could incurr charges if the fault is in my property. Based on this shabby install they provided only about 1 month ago. I could understand if this was an old existing line, but not a line they JUST provided.


The manager I spoke to said he did not feel comfortable raising a fault unless I accepted the possibility of charges. I refused. I was tempted to ask him if he would feel comfortable with the router shoved where the sun doesn't shine.


I got nowhere trying to raise a complaint .... failed to even get that.


I am left paying for a broadband, faulty since the 3rd.


I will be cancelling the direct debit, and will only be paying the mobile phone portion of the bill and I will be making a formal complaint to the regulators.


Vodafone are great when they want to get your money, but once your in that contract you are at there mercy when it comes to issues.








17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @darren18



I can certainly appreciate your frustration with this. 


The part about the possibility of being charged if its found to be something connected to your equipment is something BT also implement so I can see why others would adopt that too. 

Are you past your cooling off network satisfaction guarantee which I believe is 30 days ? 


Totally understand about you not wanting to pay for services but I feel it warranted to say that if you cancel your Direct Debit and then withhold payments this puts you in the wrong and if Vodafone feel they have exhausted avenues to collect payment then can and will add a Default to your Credit File which lasts 6 years. As the Default would be warranted they possibly wouldn't remove it if asked by you to do so.

If a search is then conducted for services such as other isp providers, mobile phone companies, mortgage lenders etc then this default will both lower your credit score and can deter companies from accepting you. 

It is of course your decision.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



13: Advanced Member

I had a similar problem getting broadband installed although Vodafone let me cancel as I was in the 30 day period.

And to be fair the fault wasn't there's.

But as BANDOFBROTHERS said if you do cancel your direct debit without going trough the correct procedure,the system is automated and will put a default on you.

And believe me it WILL cause your more problems but you might not realise until you apply for a credit card or similar.

Mine were a few late payments as Spotify kept charging me and a couple of times (out of 2 years of calling every month  to get charges removed) I missed the deadline line 

But I didn't cancel direct debit I was just late but it has caught up with me recently so think it through before you do even more so if you rely on credit or are thinking of applying for a mortgage as I am sure will come and bite back

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@darren18 We'd like to look into this further for you and try to assist with a resolution.


Please contact our team via the information in the private message I've sent. 


Unfortunatly the PM you send me says to click here... but there is no clickable link.

Another day without my own broadband because Vodafone are doing nothing to resolve the fault but happy to keep on charging.


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi darren18

I was seriously considering signing up for Fibre 76, but after reading about your experience I am having second thoughts. Who need the hassle.

Like everyone changing providers, at the end of the day all you want is a seamless transfer of providers, a constant reliable broadband connection/service and good UK customer support. And Vodafone sounds like it is failing on all counts.


Your remark about 'relocating' your router made me laugh though :Smiling:

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@darren18 It's under the click 'here' text - I've sent you a new private message


Apologies that it wasn't clear on the previous message. 

Not applicable

@1Monty wrote:

Hi darren18

I was seriously considering signing up for Fibre 76, but after reading about your experience I am having second thoughts. Who need the hassle.

Like everyone changing providers, at the end of the day all you want is a seamless transfer of providers, a constant reliable broadband connection/service and good UK customer support. And Vodafone sounds like it is failing on all counts.


Your remark about 'relocating' your router made me laugh though :Smiling:

To be scrupulously fair, darren18 was doing a lot more than just changing providers - if there is no landline to your property at all then there is "work to be done" and you are at the mercy of OpenReach - who are not responsible to customers, only to the providers.    I believe it is also OpenReach who impose the fee for fixing faults within the user's property, although in this case to do so would be extrememly unfair.

But to be quite honest, regardless of the above, until Vodafone change their attitude towards customers who wish to use their own routers you're wise to look elsewhere !

tbh, with a new line been installed it should be simpler. Your not inherriting any old line. The responsibility of all of the parts of the the services is one place (vodafone)


Yesterday I finally got a call from a tech who assured me an engineer would be here today. And in fareness he turned up.


2 hours later he's left - and no I still have no internet.


He tested down to the bare wire and completly replaced the socket.


He did find that my line was syncing at about ~4 mbps for short periods (yes just 4 !) for very short periods (seconds) before dropping. He's now got it syncing at 62mbps aftr some work in the cabinet. Yet my router still insists there is no internet on the line.


Guess I am back to square one.


Maybe for there next trick they will try and 'sell me' a new router to replace my 1 month old one.

The promised followup callback from vodafone never happened so i guess they given up or lost interest.


I've lost the motivation to keep chasing this up.