24-11-2015 05:30 PM
Hi All
We have an issue with a set of Managed Sure Signals (I think they are called Suresignal Plus now) they are the open network Suresignals and not the same you setup by the myvodafone account
The NTP Syncronisation traffic is being blocked by the ISP and we have been given the standard instructions off the web site to check the ports and IP address
which are wrong.
The problem is the IP address range the Managed Sure Signal Plus is trying to comminicate to is not listed on the PDF.
Does anyone have any instructions/setup guide for the Sureisgnal plus so we can check the correct NTP address range as we need it to help the ISP fix the fault.
Vodafone NTP servers address the firewall is trying to commincate with it / but we cant get any information on these addresses
Help would be greatly appreciated.
25-11-2015 12:47 PM
Thanks for getting in touch.
Managed Sure Signals are usually looked after by the account manager of your corporate or business account.
Due to the set up of them, we don't have access to manage the Sure Signal Plus for you, or a user guide that we can provide you with.
For further help, please contact your account manager directly, who will be able to assist with this further.