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Mobile Broadband - 3G service down

4: Newbie
Hello Again,

Since yesterday afternoon, your 3G service from site number 13077 has shut down once again.

Could a mod please look into this, and give an indication as to how long it is likely to be off this time?

Do you think you will ever find a long term solution, to the continued problems with the mast in question?


The Eggman

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi the eggman

The site at Sandown Court, Southport 13077 has got a fault. :(

It was reported at 4pm on the 13th July and is logged under case 2067174.

There are no updates posted as yet, so I am not aware of what the issue is, but as soon as I receive any updates I will let you know.


eForum Team

4: Newbie

Hi the eggman

The site at Sandown Court, Southport 13077 has got a fault.

It was reported at 4pm on the 13th July and is logged under case 2067174.

There are no updates posted as yet, so I am not aware of what the issue is, but as soon as I receive any updates I will let you know.


eForum Team

Hello Again,

Forgive me for being flippant, but I already new that their was a fault with site number 13077, because that was why I contacted the forum.

My point is that it has shut down YET AGAIN!

If you look into the history of this particular mast, you will see that this is at least the sixth or seventh time that it has failed in the last two years, and that it is unreliable to say the least.

Is it likely that you will ever get to the bottom of the continued problems with this site?

Could you please give an indication as to when 3G will be restored? Because the current situation is totally unacceptable.


The Eggman

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hello The Eggman

The case is still active and investigations are continuing on the site, I can see that various tests have been performed but can see not definition of the actual problem, nor can i see any indication of time scales.

I appreciate this is ongoing, and we wil continue to check for updates regarding this.


Reidar :ph34r:

eForum Team

4: Newbie

Hello The Eggman

The case is still active and investigations are continuing on the site, I can see that various tests have been performed but can see not definition of the actual problem, nor can i see any indication of time scales.

I appreciate this is ongoing, and we wil continue to check for updates regarding this.



eForum Team


It is now a week since your 3G service shut down again.

Do you have any updates yet, as to when you will restore the service we are paying for?

Simply saying you have no time scales, and expecting us to be content with a totally iuseless 2G connection is unacceptable.


The Eggman

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Eggman

Thanks for your post here. I can completely appreciate how frustrating this must be for you.

I'm afraid we don't have any further updates on this at the moment I understand that this isn't what you wanted to hear. The site is still being worked on and as soon as we know any more we will be sure to let you know



eForum Team