My family in Tanzania installed a Vodaphone dongle today and on going online kept getting a nag screen referring to a file SWV6.exe.
Looking at my Sophos I find
http://www.sophos.com/search/search-results/?search=swv6.exe&x=11&y=9 which is one trojan that drops this viral file which then tries to continually contact various internet sites.
I got them to load Logmein, but the virus won't now allow me to update their Sophos or AVG!!!!! I tried the various suggested regedits but the virus is still there!
My question is, can the virus have been resident on the dongle or its driver disk if it has one? (I don't know the installation procedure for these mobile broadband dongles)?
The nag screen does not become active until the dongle is plugges in and a connection is made