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Mobile Data Issues on iPhone 7

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Good evening,

I am looking for some help and advice, sorry if the grammar/ spelling isn't great as this was done on my phone.

I currently have an iPhone 7 with unlimited calls & text plus 20gb of data allowance which has worked fine since the release date until the 31st of oct.

On the 31st of oct I had approx 1gb of data remaining and received a text offering a free gb of data for 7 days by texting back, considering I had 3 days until the monthly renewal this seemed ideal so I text back to claim the 1 go of free data. Within a few hours none of my mobile data services were accessible.

The following day I contacted Vodafone technical, I followed their instructions (although I had already checked and reset all of my settings before contacting them) they said this would be fixed within 2-24 hours, on the 2nd mobile data services were still not working so yet again I contacted technical support and was told they could see the problem and that it would be rectified within 2-24 hours.

On the 3rd same story.... I told the operator I wasn't happy that this had not been resolved and wished to speak to a manager. Upon speaking to a manager he seemed to know what was going on and that the 1gb of data hadn't been added correctly and that he would sort this. I received a message stating that my data had been stopped and then a message stating it was restarted, I reset my phone as instructed and yet still no data. I informed the manger of this and he said it was probably a hardware issue and that I should check my sim in another device and he would do nothing else until this had been done. I informed him that I work away and this was impossible for a few days, but he didn't care and ended the call stating there was nothing that could be done from their end.

On the 4th still no access to mobile data, however having got wifi briefly my Vodafone app stated I only have 1 gb of data in my bundle, although I should have 20gb available as it had just rolled over???

Technical were useless so I phoned complaints, explained what was going on, the operator seemed sympathetic and said it doesn't seem right and was going to speak to his manager and put me on hold...... after a few minutes the Vodafone system automatically ended the call, I waited a few minutes but there was no call back.

I called complaints back and explained the situation and they put me through to an overseas call centre which was not what I wanted.... got back to complaints for the same to happen again.... getting really annoyed now as I have cleared Vodafone security approximately 16 times in the space of 90 mins!!!!

Phoned complaints back explained afresh and said I want to be put through to complaints at the highest level and not an overseas call centre operative.

I was put through to a another operator, at complaints explained the situation yet again. He looked into my account and said I only had 7gb on my bundle???? Says 1gb on my app, he says 7gb yet I have been paying for 20gb, long story short he adjusts my my bundle to what it should be and says he has reduced my payment slightly to compensate and this should be active by 1200.

5th I still have no data! The app states I have 1 gb of data as part of my bundle. Logging in directly to Vodafone website my bundle is correct??? I have deleted the app and reinstalled still says the same.

I phone technical to see what is going on, they say this has been escalated to the highest level but will take a further 48hrs to fix,
however they state I will be compensated for my lack of data i.e. I won't pay for the days I have had no access. I ask how do you compensate for the fact I can't Skype/ FaceTime my wife and kids as I work away? No answer to this.

Can't get back through to complaints and am really hacked off with Vodafone now.

As I said at the beginning any help and advice is gratefully received.



Hello @smudger298


I have replied to your Private Message. 

I completely understand your frustration, however please complete the form I have sent and we will look into this further. 


Thank you, 


3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Further update to the situation;

So having been advised that the issue had been escalated to a super user and within 10 days my problem would be fixed and they would contact me.

10 days later I have had no contact from Vodafone, my data services have still not been restored.

I have now been billed for the current period and for some reason my VEA discount has not been applied this month like previous months??

I contacted Vodafone to find out what is going on, the super users apparently ended their interaction with the case about 6 days ago stating it is not their problem.... and that another type of super user has to do another process however they were not sure that this had been escalated???

At this point I am incredibly peeved with the situation, no one is listening to me, I am being moved from pillar to post and no one has a clue as to my situation. It is incredibly frustrating that Vodafone can not give me a timeline as to when I can reasonably expect to see my services to be restored or the period that I can call deadlock as Vodafone are not fulfilling the terms of their contract.

I am fully at a loss as what to do now, I don't understand as to why I can't speak to the management of the super users who could actually advise me... or move me up the work list considering it has supposedly been escalated already??

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)



Thanks for updating us with your issue, sorry to hear it's not been resolved as of yet.


If you've emailed us using the link @Retired-LouiseE provided, please let us know the reference number (#123456) from the automated reply.




I'm afraid I can't provide any solutions but I can share in your frustration. I've had ongoing problems with Vodafone since September and for the last 6 weeks I have not recieved any data. I've been thrown around multiple Super Users and even had my case raised to Mission Control. None of this has helped.


If it weren't for the employee discount and for the poor network coverage from other service proivders I would have left weeks ago. The customer service is terrible! I haven't had any rude employees on the phone but the fact that each time I've raised this to a Super User or Mission Control i've gotten no feedback on the problem is outrageous. I have wasted so much time explaining the same problem it drives my crazy.


Please keep us up to date with your progress. If this problem can be solved I want to know how

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
My data issues still have not been sorted.... potentially another 7 days before it may be fixed 😡

Only benefit at the moment is one of the operators at technical in the U.K. has personally taken on my problem and calls me every couple of days to update me on the situation, saving me explaining the situation every time and getting further frustrated!

My case is now with the 3rd set of super users....... I am massively frustrated that I don't get any technical feed back explaining exactly what they are doing or the time scales that they are operating too.

@CPS1516 I feel your frustration with customer service, every operator is polite but that is about as far as it go's, for the vast majority of operators there is no empathy to the situation or ownership of a problem. There should be a point possibly 3 days into a problem where they provide case management and a spoc for your issue to save frustration and the anger that is caused explaining your situation to someone that you know can't solve your issue. Also I believe that when a case is escalated to a super user they should be contactable and explain what the have done or doing.

@carly I could not get the link to work from my device so have not got a case number from the web team.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Ok so yesterday my issue was finally resolved, some 7 weeks after it began!

It transpires that when the upgrade was ordered, Vodafone never fully finalised the order and when the 1gb of free data offer was added it was not processed correctly and caused all of my issues.

After every technical fix was tried, Vodafone finally disconnected my account and fully rebuilt it resolving all of my issues.

The only thing that stopped me from losing my cool with Vodafone was a U.K. based operator in technical who kept in touch informing me of everything that was going on and showing complete empathy to to the situation. If Vodafone learn anything from this situation that should be it.

I was then thoroughly disappointed when I was put through to customer care who thought a £20 credit to my bill and a one off 2gb of data would compensate me for my issues. It took one hour and some very stern words to get through to someone who could make a proper compensation decision. However I am fairly complacent with a full months refund plus £20 to cover the extra extra I was charged on my bills and 40% discount on my bundle charge for the remaining 20 months of my contract. I dare say I could have got more discount but I feel this is adequate for my inconvenience.

I am thoroughly disappointed with Vodafone in general from this experience and am unlikely to recommend them to any friends and family based on my experiences trying to resolve this issue.

Lessons identified for Vodafone!

1. Have a dedicated support advisor appointed to a customer on day 3 of any issue so they don't have to carry out the same actions and explain every day with a new operator!
2. Listen to the customer, my issue could have been fixed much sooner if they had disconnected and reconnected me earlier as requested!
3. Don't offer insulting levels of compensation after complex issues; £20 of credit and 2gb of goodwill data does not make up for the loss of 20gb's I pay for monthly that I could not use for 7 weeks!

I do apologise for the long post but hopefully this information will help someone else in the future.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)



Sorry to hear about the experience you've had with us.


I'm glad everything was resolved for you in the end and you were kept up to date with the process.


Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts, we'll get this fed back.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Hi there,
I have been having the exact same problem as you, it's spooky!
No data since 31st oct! Made the same mistake of accepting a free 1GB data that month. Orders stuck on open. In and out of Vidafone shops with new sims etc. Passed between technical teams, porting teams etc. Heard that word "superuser" too many times. On the phone now daily and its been 3months. Only person of half use was again UK based & again said they'd shut
My account down & rebuild it. Was told this would happen yesterday but it did not. Called again today & seem to be back at square one. Wish I had the name & department of the person offering to close my account. Would you mind telling me how you got your issue resolved? Many thanks

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I literally only got it resolved because one of the UK technical support advisors (Alana) took on my case personally. Daily she checked the status, and spoke to the super user in her office to push the super users that were dealing with my case and then rang me back so that I dealt with the same person every time.

The whole system that Vodafone have is ##>##, every stage has to be carried out even though you know what will fix it.... in our case a complete rebuild of our accounts. Technical support can't talk to super users, orders from technical support to super users can not be advanced to the front of the que in cases like ours where you have been without services for some time. Very often there is no compassion from any of the operators which always made me angry.

Also make sure there are good notes on your account, as sometimes they forgot.... making life more difficult.


[MOD EDIT: This post has been edited to remove off topic content please see community guidelines]



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@zoe_ahoy2000 Sorry to hear about your trouble. 

If this issue hasn't been resolved, please contact our team directly using the details from the private message I've sent.