21-08-2015 07:01 PM
We see a lot of posts on here from customers moaning about the coverage in their area - usually with good reason.
However, what people all too often forget about is that the networks always have an uphill battle with local authorities and resident during the planning process. We all want a good mobile signal but we don't want a mast anywhere near us. This story is typical
As customers we need to get real - if we want to use phones we need to have masts in as many places as possible.
Or do we? Thoughts?
04-04-2017 07:36 PM
Why is it inevitably Vodaphone who insist on siting their masts in close proximity to houses, I live in the country and Vodaphone insist that there is only one location for the mast, really - in an area measuring 12km by 18km.!
almost all the village are against the location which is compounded by most of the village using EE, strangely EE don't have any hideous prominent mast yet manage to provide a good signal and great reception....
19-07-2017 02:48 PM
Hi @Trevelson - You can check out all the information we have about mobiles, masts and health, on our website.
19-07-2017 03:01 PM
I had a good trawl across the internet again last night and there is still no evidence of any harmful effects from mobile phone masts whatsoever. Of course some people will remain convinced that there are unpleasant side effects and it's impossible to prove a negative.
The only reason to object to a mast is aesthetics.
12-10-2017 12:47 PM
Hi there!
I have recently been in the Netherlands and Germany and their coverage / data is really good. Why is it that they have tall masts not just by filling stations on the main roads however there are also very tall comms towers.
13-10-2017 02:07 PM
@JamesBond - We have a wide variation of masts which can be from the ground up or can be located on top of buildings etc.
13-10-2017 02:20 PM
Hi Gemma ( Moderator )
Thank you for your reply and the information.
What amazes me, is that Holland and Germany from what I have experienced is that there have not been any "Not spots" and the data speeds are so much faster compared with the UK. The really tall masts in these two countries and no doubt other European countries knock spots off the coverage here in this country. We suffer too much from NIMBYS and yet they want mobile phone coverage, in a nutshell they want their cake and eat. It will be great when Vodafone is legally allowed to place masts where they wish to.
Vodafone can only do the best that they can.
12-02-2018 08:34 PM
Hi Jenny, many thanks for that info - sadly there are many aspects of telecommunications companies procedures and practices that are detrimental to local communities and local wildlife. A case in point is a proposed local mast to be situated on top of a badger sett. This in an area sone 8 miles by 14 miles, there are choices yet Vodafone elect to destroy local wildlife...
is this the image Vodafone want to portray ?
11-02-2018 01:07 PM
Vodafone having been successful in their planning application and having been made fully aware of a badger sett in the immediate vicinity of the proposed mast, and with details of the sett highlighted in the planning approval still go ahead and start demolishing the ground directly above the sett
Vodafone and its side kick CTIL have since stopped the demolition and have now stated there will be a badger survey carried out.... amazingly after the actions that have taken place to drive the badgers away...
vodafone and its contractors should be ashamed of the actions that have taken place.
12-02-2018 08:19 PM
Not every network needs to place prominent mast is disliked areas, strangely there is still not mast sharing - why.....