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Moved House Into New Region And Poor Signal

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I have mobile broadband when i lived in cheshire it was good most of the time, mostly 3g signal, now ive relocated back to the midlands, i can only get 2g no 3g whatsoever, and is painfully slow and drops regularly.

Do i have any options?

What is the termination fee if i get fed up and want to leave contract?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi jonbcheshire and welcome to the eforum! :D

Can I check the postcode that you have moved to please?

Im sorry to hear that you are experiencing poor connection speeds in the Midlands, since you relocated. The termination fee would be for the line rental for the remainder of the contract, if you should choose to cancel it. It is unfortunate that the coverage is reduced where you have moved to, but the commitment to the contract length would remain.

Look forward to seeing you around the forum again soon.


eforum Team

Not applicable
hi its wv4 5ub,

is it possible to get the remainder of the contract put in someone else's name? As i may look at getting a friend or family member in cheshire to take it on.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Good Morning jonbcheshire

Thanks for posting back with your post code :)

I've checked your postcode using our Coverage Checker and its shows as Outdoor coverage as only which is what will be causing the poor signal strength :(

In regards to changing the contract into someone else name then yes this is possbile.
All you would need to do is give my colleagues a call on 191 and they will be able to sort this out for you

Anyother queries please let me know :)

eForum Team

Not applicable
hi, many thanks.

what is outdoor coverage?

4: Newbie
Outdoor coverage means that the signal should be fine outdoors. It probably isn't strong enough to get through walls/buildings etc.

Not applicable
Outdoor coverage means that the signal should be fine outdoors. It probably isn't strong enough to get through walls/buildings etc.

guess i could try it in the garden lol

i looked on the coverage map and the bottom of the street is 3g :( it says on the coverage map it is constantly being upgraded every month how true is this? its only my street and 2 others then most of the city is all 3g

Not applicable
sorry, just to clarify, in my posts i meant to state that i can get 2g conneciton now and then but not 3g, not sure whether to give cust services a call, 3g is present at the bottom of my road :(

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Jonbcheshire,

Thanks for getting back to use regarding the lack of 3G in your area, it seems you have as much luck as me as my street seems to be one of only few in the area that has no 3G connectivity. :blink:

We are continuously updating and improving 2G and 3G coverage of the UK, but what I will do I will put in a coverage enhancement request. basically this information is reviewed by those up above to see where we can improve both 2G and 3G network connectivity in the UK.

Although you can use the primary functions of your handset, having a quicker internet connection and the ability to video call is a bonus.

If you have any further question, please just let us know or alternatively check out our online Troubleshooting guides as it is very useful with general network queries. ;)

Many thanks

eForum team

Not applicable
cheers for that :)

in the meantime im going to try a signal booster, if its only bottom of the road i should be able to pick it up fingers crossed, 3g is well quick for mobile broadband its a good rival for standard broadband, just the 2g is too slow for browsing.

fingers crossed picks up soon