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My Vodafone App

4: Newbie

Hi there

Will we ever see a BB10 native My Vodafone app or are we stuck with the Android port.


Additionally, will the Wifi search facility be available anytime soon on the app.





2: Seeker
2: Seeker
Thanks Madasaman. I followed madasaman's lead, using the .apk route myself on my Q10 and I now have "My Vodafone" app at long last. Works great and even got WiFi finder working in list mode. I got the OS update a few weeks ago automatically from Vodafone.

Why can't Vodafone just add it to the BlackBerry Appworld and make it simple for all the non-techie people too. Come on Vodafone, you know you can do it, you really can - but you just can't be bothered!

Not applicable
When that question is so obviously and transparently dumb and stupid ("how is Vodafone not providing a service bad service?") that it can only be intended to rile and start an argument.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Again, the personal insults which I may add aren't necessary. I am not quite sure why you are getting all defensive, but please leave any issues you may have out of this.


I am asking a simple question because I am curious as to your logic as to how the lack of an App equates to bad service.



Not applicable
Providing an app is a service. Not providing it equates to bad service. Now stop trolling.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I'm not trolling!  It was a simple enough question which you have failed to adequately answer.  But by your logic, any company that has an app which isn't supported on every single handset  available  in the world is providing bad service.  That is a very broad statement you are making and one that is hardly true or supported by fact.


Not applicable

I am a paying customer, and if I consider something to be bad service, then I am right.


This forum thread is full of several other people with the same opinion. Obviously Vodafone sent you in here to wind us all up. Really, have you nothing better to do on a sunny Sunday spring morning?


Vodafone themselves make a point of listing the "My Vodafone App" as one of the plus point of their service! And claim that it is available for BlackBerry handsets.,, they still, after nearly a year, have not put in correcting statements on their website promotional material and download links explaining that the Q10 (a handset which they sell) is not supported. I can't see any excuse for that - it's deliberately misleading.


Now, I have my PAC code (kudos to Vodafone for making that process so painless) and I really have nothing further to say to you. If you troll back at me again you'll get nothing but insults, so I advise you to cease.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Anonymous wrote:

I am a paying customer, and if I consider something to be bad service, then I am right.


This forum thread is full of several other people with the same opinion. Obviously Vodafone sent you in here to wind us all up. Really, have you nothing better to do on a sunny Sunday spring morning?


Vodafone themselves make a point of listing the "My Vodafone App" as one of the plus point of their service! And claim that it is available for BlackBerry handsets.,, they still, after nearly a year, have not put in correcting statements on their website promotional material and download links explaining that the Q10 (a handset which they sell) is not supported. I can't see any excuse for that - it's deliberately misleading.


Now, I have my PAC code (kudos to Vodafone for making that process so painless) and I really have nothing further to say to you. If you troll back at me again you'll get nothing but insults, so I advise you to cease.

No, you wouldn't be right.  Too many people nowadays seem to think that not getting something that they want or believe that they are entitled to is poor service whilst most times it isn't.  Yes, it is frustrating not having an app - I could understand you saying it is poor service if there was no option but to use the App and it didn't work on your handset but there are other alternatives as you are aware.  Frustrating yes, poor service, no!

I agree that perhaps the information could be clearer to state that the Q10 isn't supported.


Threats aren't welcome here - there is no need for them. Also insults are against the eForum T&Cs so I'd advise you be cautious there.



Not applicable

OMG imagine if I was banned from the Vodafone forum! What a huge inconvenience that would be, after I have already ended my contract! How would I cope? Whom would I turn to?


8: Helper
8: Helper
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