08-08-2013 11:06 PM
Hi there
Will we ever see a BB10 native My Vodafone app or are we stuck with the Android port.
Additionally, will the Wifi search facility be available anytime soon on the app.
06-02-2014 11:38 AM
Hello Vodafone,
Is there any news on the Voda app for the Q10 yet or is it the same standard answer that you dont know yet?
07-02-2014 03:01 PM
07-02-2014 04:16 PM
This is absolutely bloody hopeless!
08-02-2014 01:58 PM
09-02-2014 12:45 PM
easy, running O2 version of OS as you lot haven't released it as yet. Downloaded android version of My Vodafone app and as new 10.2.1 has android runtime it works!
14-03-2014 02:09 PM
i am also still waiting for this app, it is so strange that Vodafone do not support the Q10 properly, i cannot understand why Vodafone offers Blackberry if they are not going to support it