20-05-2016 12:54 PM
I keep my photos in albums in my diary. When moving some into the latest "Wales May 2015" album, there wasn't enough space so I transferred my pics (and I selected all) to my 32gig SD card. The problem is the Wales album and some others seemed to disappear altogether, I can't find them. I went into Bristol Vodafone shop yesterday and they couldn't help. Can anyone please offer any suggestions? Thank you.
20-05-2016 03:33 PM
It's always a good idea when transferring files to use the Copy rather then Move function. If something goes wrong, the original can get deleted but the new file not written (yes, in spite of my advice, it's happened to me :smileyembarrassed:). If you copy, you can check that all's well before deleting the original.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "my diary" but, assuming the photos are simply in the main storage of your phone, try going into the gallery app and making sure that all albums are selected for display. You could also use the file manager app to explore the SD card. One possible pitfall is that, if you used a 3rd party (ie non-system) app to move the files, the write operation failed because it didn't have the necessary permissions to access the card. In fact, that's exactly what happened to me.
If the photos are important, the only hope will be recovery software. Stop using the phone immediately to lessen the likelihood of the file locations being over-written. Find a suitable program that'll run on a PC (some have a trial-period option). Then connect the phone by cable as external storage and use the recovery program to scan the phone. With luck, you may get something back.
Sorry it's not better news. I'll also remind you of Schofield's Law, which says that data doesn't exist at all unless it exists in at least 3 places. On an Android device, install Google Photos and enable automatic backup (over wifi only to save mobile data). For belt & braces, use Dropbox as well.
20-05-2016 09:50 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time to give such a thorough and helpful reply. I will certainly remember the tip about copying first.
I have to apologise for using the word "diary" when I actually meant "gallery"! How confusing is that to put out on a forum, asking for help.
My husband came up with an idea which he's trying now. He's taken out the SD card and has copied it to his computer, he's using a programme called Adobe Bridge to identify original dates then he's going through the photos and recreating my albums - very patiently.
Thank you again for helping out,
Mari Martin
23-05-2016 11:14 AM
I have my fingers firmly crossed for you! I'd say your husband's idea is a good one, though with the caveat that the pictures probably never made it to the card so, if they're not there, try my suggestion of scanning the phone.
20-05-2016 12:50 PM
I keep my photos in albums in my diary. When moving some into the latest "Wales May 2015" album, there wasn't enough space so I transferred my pics (and I selected all) to my 32gig SD card. The problem is the Wales album and some others seemed to disappear altogether, I can't find them. I went into Bristol Vodafone shop yesterday and they couldn't help. Can anyone please offer any suggestions? Thank you.
20-05-2016 03:40 PM
I've replied to your other thread.