15-05-2014 02:23 PM
Usually, when new firmware is out (even if it's for unbranded) there is often comment about when we'll receive it, amazed I've not seen other comments yet :smileyhappy:
Anyway, apparently there are speed improvements to opening the camera and gallery, along with improvements for the fingerprint scanner and general performance tweeks. Be interesting to try once we get it...
06-06-2014 07:05 AM
07-06-2014 12:15 PM
09-06-2014 12:18 AM
Ok had a strange thing happen my power Button stopped, thought it was Hardware
But i removed my Sim SD and battery waited 30 second again ( I did try a battery pull)
Then i just connected the battery and Bingo it came back to life
Replaced sim and sd and all seems ok
Never done this before if it does then i will do a Factory wipe